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Tartarean Mobs

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Are You a Diablo Player?
Surely Not Surprised by the Modified Monsters, right?

So what if the Mobs in Minecraft Bedrock also Modified like in Diablo?

Here's the Addon that will Modify Them!

This Addon Based on a Java Mod named "Infernal Mobs" Made by Atomicstryker





This Addon will make you Miserable Forever by Diablo-Styled Mobs Modifications!

Now the Mobs will be Much Harder to Defeat because their Health & Damage has been Increased, also:

They have Ranks that Show their Difficulty Levels:
โ—† Elite
โ—† Ultra
โ—† Infernal


Elite Quicksand Spider

"Spawn Chances"

Modified Mobs are Rarely Found depending on their Rank:
โ—† Normal Mobs = 90%
โ—† Elite = 10%
โ—† Ultra = 5%
โ—† Infernal = 1%


When they Spawn, the Boss Bar & Title will Appear
Within Certain Distances according to their Rank:
โ—† Elite = Blue in +10 Blocks
โ—† Ultra = Yellow in +20 Blocks
โ—† Infernal = Red in +30 Blocks

Colored Particles also Surround them
So their Rank will be Recognized from Afar:
โ—† Elite = Blue
โ—† Ultra = Yellow
โ—† Infernal = Red


Ultra Quicksand Zombie


Tartarean-able Mobs:

Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, Creeper, Enderman, Husk & Stray


Like in Diablo, they have Ability like:

+ Berserk = Attacks Harder

+ Blastoff = Throws the enemy in the air

+ Bullwark = Damage Resistance

+ Cloaking = Invisible

+ Darkness = Blinds the Enemy

+ Exhaust = Clears the Enemy's Effects

+ Fiery = Places Fire at Enemy's Legs

+ Ghastly = Shoots Fireballs

+ Poisonous = Poisons the Enemy

+ Quicksand = Slows the Enemy

+ Regen = Regenerates Health

+ Sapper = Hungers the Enemy

+ Sprint = Moves Fast

+ Storm = Summons Lightnings

+ Weakness = Weakens the Enemy

+ Webber = Places Cobweb at Enemy's Legs

+ Wither = Withers the Enemy



Ofc they'll drop Worthy Loots!

โ—† 60% Chainmail Armor / 1 - 6 Cookies ^v^
โ—† 30% Iron Set [Enchanted Lv.12]
โ—† Random Enchanted Book Lv.12
โ—† Double [2X] Ordinary Loot
โ—† Quadruple [4X] Exp

โ—† 60% Bow / Iron Set [Enchanted Lv.24]
โ—† 30% Golden Set [Enchanted Lv.24] / 1 Golden Apple / 1 - 3 Blaze Powder
โ—† Random Enchanted Book Lv.24
โ—† Quadruple [4X] Ordinary Loot
โ—† Sextuple [6X] Exp

โ—† 60% 1 - 3 Diamonds / Diamond Set [Enchanted Lv.30]
โ—† 30% 1 - 3 Ender Pearls / 1 - 3 Ender Eyes
โ—† Random Enchanted Book Lv.30
โ—† Sextuble [6X] Ordinary Loot
โ—† Octuple [8X]Exp

โ—† Same As Above according to Rank [But Only Diamond Set]
โ—† More Than 1 Nether Star
โ—† Random Amount of Wither Skeleton Skulls,
โ—† Random Amount of Enchanted Golden Apples / Totem Of Undying / Netherite Scraps
โ—† Music Disc: Lena Raine - Pigstep

Ender Dragon:
โ—† Same As Above [But Only Diamond Set]
โ—† 100% Ender Dragon Head
โ—† Random Amount of Enchanted Golden Apples / Totem Of Undying / Netherite Scraps
โ—† Music Disc: Lena Raine - Otherside

โ—† All Loots Above that are Enchanted can be Treasure Enchantments like: Frost Walker, Mending, Soul Speed & Curses


Dropped Loot



I Got the Permission & It was Written on the License that:

โ—† You are Allowed to Read & Use the Provided Sourcecode in order to Make Interacting Mods so long the resulting Mods Still Require My Originals to Function

โ—† You are Allowed to Integrate Ideas / Techniques from My Sourcecode into your Mods & Sourcecode Assumed from Other Authors Fall Under their Respective Licenses & Copyright Statements

โ—† A Link should Always be Provided

โ—† All My Work is Open Source

Shortly, I can port the mod :)

Atomicstryker's Permission for ZhyuroKun

But still, Thank you to Atomicstryker for Accepting my permission request!


โ—† What's the TWATn'RC?

This is an Addon Extension that makes Tartarean Mobs addon to be Compatible with Better Weaponry, Arduous, Terraria Trinkets & Beacon Rings addon

This makes Tartareans able to drops the items from the mentioned addons



Required Experimental Feature:

Required Experiments for Tartarean Mobs Addon

โ—† Working on 1.20.10+!

Enjoy & Have Fun!


> My Discord <

For Addon Progression, Support, Suggestion, Bug Report & Hang-Out!


Updated on June 17


โ—† Reworked the Tartarean Spawning chances
Now it's highly customizable

โ—† Removed the 1UP as Tartarean abilities
More challenges

โ—† Removed the Wither Skeleton & Warden as Tartareanable mobs

Download links
(Mediafire) TWATn'RC
Supported versions
1 627