RMPlaysMCYT's Aesthetic Funiture Addon

This Add-on adds 14 kinds of furniture to your Minecraft world and is suitable for city, creative and role-play maps, which can be aesthetic or not as long as you get creative with it.
Soon I will add more, and it will be functional in the next update, but now I'll show you some furniture that will be useful for decoration.
- Bench
- Chair 1
- Fence 1
- Plushies 1 - 3
- Cabinet 1 - 2
- Small Table
- Sofa 1 -2
- Study Table
- Table
NOTE: There are some furnitures to be added on the next update, and I hope you will enjoy this new series of my furniture addon. And here's some screenshots of this addon.
- It was been tested on official and BETA Versions of Minecraft, so there's no worry
- Credits to Aguilesgamer for the fence code from woodset template: LINK