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Hog's Enchants

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Hog's enchants adds 22 new enchantments to the game with a vanilla feel.

In the game, you won't know what these do, but each enchantment has a description that can be found in the recipe book.

It is attached to the enchanted book, which describes what it does and what tools it goes on.


Enchanted Book: Wither Aspect

How to enchant:

You will need to go to an ancient city and find some echo shards first. Then you'll need to craft the hogchanting table like this:

Hogchanting Table

Next, you'll want to craft yourself some enchanting crystals, you will use these to enchant later.

Enchanting Crystal Recipe

Now you have your new Hogchanting table and enchanting crystals, with some XP, you can interact with the hogchanting table holding the item you want to enchant.

Here I interact with a shovel, showing the 3 enchants I can enchant with.
It also gives instructions at the top anyway.

Hogchanting Table UI

Then press on the enchant you want, and if you have 8 levels and an enchanting stone, you can gain 1 level for that enchantment. Repeat on the same enchantment to increase the level.

Watch the video for more information:

New Update Video:

For addon creators:

This addon has the compatibility to work with other addons. Meaning you can make an enchantment in your addon, and when paired with hog's enchantments, it will work.
This video below explains how to add them for yourself, with an example:


Credit to xAssassin for the grapple enchant idea + code!
xAssassin - https://modbay.org/user/xassassin/

Works for 1.21!

Updated on June 17

  • Updated to 1.21.
Changelog for May 12 / Old Update
  • Enchants with multiple tools now appear in the enchant list, these were diamond droppings and tilling.
  • Logger now functions as intended.
  • Diamond droppings for the axe no longer have a 0% chance.
Changelog for April 25 / Old Update
  • Updated to work on 1.20.80.
  • Upgraded the code that determines the enchantment slot of an item.
  • Added updated grapple code.
Changelog for April 20 / Old Update
  • Added 8 new enchantments and added a video explaining them.
  • Changed the way you obtain hogchanting table.
  • Changed hogchanting table particles + texture.
Changelog for March 26 / Old Update
  • Updated to 1.20.71.
  • Added a new enchantment.
Changelog for February 10 / Old Update
  • Updated to 1.20.60.
  • Updated the description with more details.
Download links
Download Full Version
Download Base Version (for compatibility with other addons only)
Supported versions
3 800
  1. Will the full version of this addon ever be compatible with other add-ons
  2. xorrazee profile avatar xorrazee
    There is only resource pack?
  3. Does this support modded weapons from add-ons?
    1. Hog profile avatar Hog Author
      Should support most add-ons
  4. ; I love you! 💗
  5. emo3B profile avatar emo3B
    Does it support 1.20.50?
    1. Hog profile avatar Hog Author
      Yes it does, forgot to change the supported version
      1. No avatar image R
        So I changed it for you 👀