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Spartan's Mech 1.21.30

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Get into your robot, choose your favorite weapon, and destroy your enemies with this addon. In this addon you can build a robot! With him, you will be unstoppable!

Spartan's Turrets Logo

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This addon contains a mech to which you can equip powerful and lethal weapons.

First, you have to find the mechanic to exchange robots and weapons. He will appear anywhere in the world. You will need "components" to trade, these items will be dropped by the enemies of this addon.

Mechanic Trades UI

You will see that there are 2 bars inside, on the left is the ammo indicator, and on the right is the life indicator. To be able to shoot, you must use the ammunition item to load, to change weapons, you simply have to have the weapon in your hand, you no longer have to equip it like the previous version, to be able to shoot you have to use the weapon item, and now all that remains is to have fun!

Equipped Turret Indicators

----------- MECH -----------


Spartan "PROTOTYPE" Mech

Spartan 01 "SHOOTER"

Spartan 01 "SHOOTER" Mech

Spartan 02 "DEFENDER"

Special Ability: causes falling after jumping.

Spartan 02 "DEFENDER" Mech

Spartan 03 "SPEEDER"

Special Ability: nitro, causes a speed boost for an instant.

Spartan 03 "SPEEDER" Mech

Spartan 04 "ENFORCER"

Special Ability: creates an energy shield that reduces 80% of the damage received.

Spartan 04 "ENFORCER" Mech

Spartan 05 "STRIKER"

Special Ability: FLY!

Spartan 05 "STRIKER" Mech

----------- WEAPONS -----------

Double Cannon

Double Cannon Weapon


Gatling Weapon


Firegun Weapon


Voltgun Weapon

Rocket Launcher

Rocket Launcher Weapon


Carronade Weapon


Railgun Weapon


Sniper Weapon


Stungun Weapon


Multimissile Weapon

Laser Gun

Laser Gun Weapon

Grenade Launcher

Grenade Launcher Weapon

----------- Mech Table -----------

This table will give information about the weapons and robots that can be obtained, it can be obtained from the mechanic.

Mech Table: Screenshot 1

Mech Table: Screenshot 2

Mech Table: Screenshot 3


  • They attack villagers and players.
  • Robot soldier: 30 HP.
  • Drone: 20 HP.
  • Deals 2-5 damage per shot.
  • Drop item: "component". It will be used to trade with the mechanic in exchange for robots and weapons

Robot Soldier

Robot Soldier Enemy

War Drone

War Drone Enemy


This entity will summon waves of enemy robots while downloading data, and when it finishes downloading, it will release the full USB item that will be used to trade with the mechanic.

Radar Enemy

----------- TURRETS -----------

Turrets can only be controlled by villagers.

Common Turret

Common Turret

----------- ITEMS -----------

Component: Dropped by enemy robots, use it to trade with the mechanic.

Grey Component

Blue Component

Brown Component

Yellow Component

Munition: reload your robot's ammunition.

Munition Item

USB: You can buy it from the merchant to interact with the radar. When it finishes downloading data, the radar will release the blue USB that will be used to exchange data with the mechanic for robots.

USB Items


RADAR TOWER - Plains Biome

Radar Tower: Screenshot

BUNKER - Plains Biome

Bunker: Screenshot 1

Bunker: Screenshot 2



If you have any questions or there are any errors, you can contact me:

Updated on September 19

  • The radar will spawn more enemies.
  • Robot speed +20%.
  • Enemies no longer appear, they only appear when the radars are activated.
  • Sniper cooldown fixed.
  • Now the robot hearts will be hidden.
Changelog for September 10 / Old Update
  • Compatible with version 1.21.21.
  • No experimental options.
  • The trades contain information about robots and weapons.
Changelog for April 22 / Old Update
  • New weapons! Grenade Launcher and Laser Gun.
  • New mech! Striker.
  • Compatible with version 1.20.73.
  • Particle optimization, less lags.
  • Changed "Mech Table" information.
Changelog for March 20 / Old Update
  • The code has been rewritten and is now compatible with version 1.20.71.
  • New weapon: "MULTIMISSILE".
  • Energy weapons now summon a lightning when they stun the mech.
  • Drone and Robot soldier spawn rate has been reduced.
  • Updated to 1.20.71.
Changelog for March 16 / Old Update
  • Added new weapon: "STUNGUN".
  • Voltgun weapon redesigned.
  • Increased mech speed.
  • Added item component: blue, red, yellow.
  • "Defender" mech, new skill, now deals damage to enemies when it falls.
  • Added weapon classes, now there will be physical and energy weapons, some robots will only be able to use 1 type of weapon.
  • Weapon damage balanced.
  • Shooting optimizated, have better particles.
  • Drone spawn chance get low.
  • Updated to 1.20.62.
Changelog for March 04 / Old Update
  • Added new weapons: "CARRONADE", "RAILGUN" and "SNIPER".
  • Added new mech: "SPEEDER"and "ENFORCER".
  • Added radar entity.
  • Added new items: repair toolkit and USB.
  • Rebalanced health and speed of robots.
  • Fixed bugs.
Changelog for January 22 / Old Update
  • New mechs: "SHOOTER" and "DEFENDER".
  • New weapon: "Rocket Launcher".
  • New enemies: "Robot Soldier" and "War Drone".
  • Fixed bugs.
Changelog for January 15 / Old Update
  • Optimized the shooting and movement systems.
  • Updated to 1.20.51.
Changelog for January 03 / Old Update
  • New weapons: "Firegun" and "Voltgun".
  • Fixed bugs.
  • Improved animations, models and sounds.
Download links
Resource Pack [Mediafire]
Behavior Pack [Mediafire]
Supported versions
1.21.30 1.21.20
2 863
  1. Can you add enemy robots from generation zero games?
    There are many different enemy robots.
  2. No avatar image ilbro Guest
    Potresti aggiungere armi come motoseghe e bracci con spade,asce,scudi e martelli? Inoltre vorrei mech cingolati e mech quadrupedi
  3. Suggestion: can you add a mech for the mechanic so that he protects himself using that mech, for the model I suggest you use a war machine from the game Clash of clans
    1. Spartan1171346 profile avatar Spartan1171346 Author
      haha, yes I was thinking of adding armor like Ironman's maybe in future updates
  4. Me encantó el mod, va super fluido y a mi server le divierte mucho jugar con este mod, 100% recomendable
    1. Spartan1171346 profile avatar Spartan1171346 Author
      gracias amigo, es genial que les parezca divertido :)