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Minecraft, But Every Mob Drops Random Items Mystery Addon 1.21

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Explore a new twist in Minecraft with Reckon Soul latest update, "Minecraft, But Every Mob Drop Random Item Addon Mystic 1.20." Every mob will drop something very different from what they used to drop before this, they will drop a random item every time.

With this addon, what you get from mobs is a mysteryโ€”anything from a Netherite ingot to a diamond sword or even wheat. We've created eight variants: one drops 1 item, and others drop 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 50 random items. This unpredictability makes the game more fun than a regular Minecraft round. Choose any, and both addons will transform your gaming experience. For bug reports, suggestions, community connection, and SMP chats, reach out.

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This is all new version for 1.21+ compatible. Now this includes every mob of 1.21+ and every item, including some creative things like mob eggs and hidden blocks. If you enabled Education Mode, then every item of education mode too... :)

Newly Updated Addon: https://modbay.org/mods/2350-reckon-meme-blocks.html


Suggest More Meme Blocks: https://discord.com/invite/XG2FthxKrh

Be Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reckonsoulgaming

Try Our Addons and Maps: https://modbay.org/user/reckonsoul/

Social Links: linktr.ee/reckonsoulgaming

Texture Pack: Reckon Enhanced Texture Pack

See the videos for more...


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  • These restriction are applied for our every addon and maps.
  • If you are using this add-on for your content (YouTube video, etc.), PLEASE give us credit for the add-on.
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  • Don't download our any addon from any other creepy website because they can contain viruses.
  • Ignorance of these restrictions does not excuse breaking them, respect us add-on creators please, we do our best to provide you the best experience with our add-ons.


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Updated on September 05

  • 1.21+ compatible.
  • Every mob and item of 1.21+, including mob eggs and hidden blocks.
  • If you enabled Education Mode, then every item in education mode too.
  • Links fixed already.
  • Multiplayer fixed.


Download links
Every Mob Drop 1 Random Item (Mystery) 1.21+
Every Mob Drop 3 Random Item (Mystery) 1.21+
Every Mob Drop 5 Random Item (Mystery) 1.21+
Every Mob Drop 10 Random Item (Mystery) 1.21+
Every Mob Drop 15 Random Item (Mystery) 1.21+
Every Mob Drop 20 Random Item (Mystery) 1.21+
Every Mob Drop 25 Random Item (Mystery) 1.21+
Every Mob Drop 50 Random Item (Mystery) 1.21+
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Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80
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