SERP Pokédrock (Pokémon Addon) | Shrooms & Spikes Update

Welcome to the world of Pokédrock! This addon has a battle system, mounts, a lot of mechanics, and real evolutions. If you want to enjoy the full experience of the addon, install all the resource packs!
Please read the installation guide and the changelog.
It is forbidden to redistribute, edit the files or steal the codes of this addon. If you make a review, please give credits. Apps in the Play Store and other pages are illegal, please don't support them. ModBay and MCPEDL are the only official sites.
Recommended placement (Texture Pack and Anime Cries are optional):
To start a new game, enter your world, choose your favorite region, and choose your favorite starter Pokémon. Then you will receive your starter kit and 2 charges for your Pokévial. You can use the command "/function reset" to reset your data if you want to start again or if you want to update or fix important bugs.
The Pokémon Center will be the most important structure of your adventure. It appears in the plains and the desert, where you will find everything you need to improve your gaming experience.
The battle system has many improvements, it is the same as the original games. It has mega evolutions, Dynamax, and its own mechanic called "boost", which consumes experience to hit a super strong attack.
Berry plants will appear all over the world. You can plant new berries with their seeds, there are some recipes you can make with them!
Apricorn plants will appear around the world. With its fruit, you can create some Pokéballs!
When mining, you will find some ores that will contain evo stones, mega stones, key stones, or wishing stars. It will help you progress in your adventure and make improvements.
Now the Bike and the Ride pager can be obtained in the Game corner. It will serve as a means of transport to reach more difficult or high places, as well as to explore more easily.
Updated on February 19
COMPATIBLE WITH Minecraft PE/BE 1.21.60+
- The Shroomish evolutionary line was added,
- The Beldum evolutionary line was added,
- Gible's evolutionary line was added,
- Gallade was added,
- Articuno's mount was fixed,
- Attack animations were fixed,
- The trade machine was fixed,
- Constant tick was improved,
- The party menu was improved,
- Some battle bugs were fixed,
- A lot of optimization,
- Minor bugs fixed
COMPATIBLE WITH Minecraft PE/BE 1.21.50+
- Links changed,
- Elekid evolutionary line was added,
- Farfetch'd was added,
- Rayquaza was added,
- Mimikyu Beta was added,
- 17 boost type items were added,
- Leftovers were added,
- Focus band was added,
- All machines have recipes now,
- RotoMarket is back,
- Hoopa rings are more common,
- Repel indicator was added,
- Poke ore is more common,
- Some battle bugs were fixed,
- A lot of optimization,
- Minor bugs fixed
COMPATIBLE WITH Minecraft PE/BE 1.21.50+
- Money bug was fixed,
- Personal Laboratory bug was fixed,
- Interact with blocks bug was fixed,
- Hoopa ring from game corner now is an item,
- Now an exchanged pokémon can get experience,
- More optimization,
- Minor bugs fixed
COMPATIBLE WITH Minecraft PE/BE 1.21.50+
- Kirlia and Gardevoir were added,
- Machop evolutionary line was added,
- Better PC system,
- Some spawn rules were fixed,
- Interactions with blocks were improved,
- More optimization,
- Minor bugs fixed
COMPATIBLE WITH Minecraft PE/BE 1.21.50+
- Wild Pokémon spawn was fixed,
- "battle_win" function was added for map makers,
- Optimization issue was fixed,
- Minor bugs fixed
COMPATIBLE WITH Minecraft PE/BE 1.21.30+
- Battle system was redesigned,
- Trainer creative editor was improved,
- Pokémon creative editor was improved,
- Wild Pokémon can now attack or run from you,
- Tamed Pokémon now can protect you,
- All attacks are animated,
- Mewtwo was added,
- Dratini evolutionary line was added,
- Doduo evolutionary line was added,
- Sableye was added,
- Battle damage was fixed,
- Battle exp and exp share were fixed,
- New particles,
- New loots,
- "Pokémon anime cries" now supports gen 1-4 sounds,
- A lot of optimization,
- Minor bugs fixed
COMPATIBLE WITH Minecraft PE/BE 1.21.21+
- The generations behaviors are not needed now!
- The generations goes above base!
- Battle system was improved,
- Trainer creative editor was added,
- Pokémon creative editor was added,
- Dynamax candy was added,
- Pokémon Center was rebuilt,
- Now some items are 3D,
- Wild Pokémon can now attack you,
- Tamed Pokémon now can protect you,
- New attacks animations,
- Mew was added,
- Trapinch evolutionary line was added,
- Shuppet evolutionary line was added,
- Pachirisu was added,
- Riolu evolutionary line was added,
- Battle damage was fixed,
- Battle exp was increased,
- More optimization,
- Important and minor bugs fixed
- The generations behaviors are not needed now!
- The generations goes above base!
- Fourth generation was started,
- Exp share was added,
- Bedrill model was changed,
- Misdreavus can evolve with dusk stone,
- Magneton can evolve with thunder stone,
- Battle stats were fixed,
- Pokémon center can spawn more,
- Pokémon can spawn in caves,
- Minecraft monsters were enabled,
- More optimization,
- Important and minor bugs fixed
- Added recommended placement
- New description for ModBay,
- The behaviors of generations are not needed now,
- A lot of icons were fixed,
- Storage PC was fixed, just update and use /function reset or delete each duplicate tags,
- More optimization,
- Important and minor bugs fixed
- Onix evolutionary line was added,
- Hoppip evolutionary line was added,
- New getting for Bike,
- New getting for Ride pager,
- New design for Charmeleon,
- New design for Venusaur,
- New design for healing machine,
- New design for Berry plants,
- New design for Apricorn plants,
- Game corner is now working,
- All particles were redesigned,
- All UI were redesigned,
- Spawn rules were fixed,
- Names in servers were fixed,
- More optimization,
- Important and minor bugs fixed
- Poképuffs has new recipes,
- All Pokéballs recipes were changed,
- Mulch recipe was changed,
- Nitwit trades were fixed,
- New description in ModBay,
- More optimization,
- Minor bugs fixed
- Enigma berry is easier to find now,
- New base for SERP pokédrock 1.21,
- All offerings are working again,
- Some shinies were fixed,
- Dunsparce was fixed,
- Misdreavus was fixed,
- Multiplayer capture was fixed,
- Multiplayer particles were fixed,
- More optimization,
- Minor bugs fixed
- Attacks animations are temporaily disabled,
- New design of Clefairy and Clefable,
- New design for Caterpie,
- New design for Weedle,
- Nidoran evolution is fixed,
- Chansey evolution is fixed,
- Aerodactyl saddle is fixed,
- Hoopa ring is fixed,
- EXP gain was increased,
- More optimization,
- Minor bug fixes
- New links without limit of uses,
- More optimization,
- Minor bug fixes
- Lickitung was added,
- Koffing Evolutionary line was added,
- Tauros was added,
- Tauros and Rhyhorn now have dash instead jump,
- Linking cord was added,
- All Pokémon ítems were removed for more optimization,
- Now pokecenter can spawn without break blocks,
- Berry tree now spawn without destroy structures,
- New scripting system,
- New evolution system,
- New spawn system,
- New interfaces for starting system,
- TM's were added,
- PC system was added,
- New interaction menu for all Pokémon,
- Ivysaur was remodeled,
- Charmander was remodeled,
- Squirtle was remodeled,
- Metapod was remodeled,
- New hud for party,
- New interface for Pokédex,
- New interface for battle menu,
- Better capture methods,
- Pokeballs thrown animation was fixed,
- New capture particles,
- New camera system,
- New battle system (All attacks are animated with more than 180 attacks, and will be more in the future),
- New battle dialogs,
- Now all NPC can have Pokémon for every generation,
- Added compatibility with NPC maps,
- More optimization,
- Minor bug fixes