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Chatty Villagers - Bedrock Edition

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Add this to your worlds to encounter talking villagers! Enhance your minecraft worlds with chatty villagers!

With this addon installed, villagers can now communicate when interacted with by players, (open trade table or interact with nitwit!) Adding more life and realism to your adventures!

Over 2500+ messages for villagers to randomly choose from!

Now with spanish & indonesian versions, too!

Chatty Villagers

Get on CurseForge Here!
Get Just Chatty Nitwits Here!
Get Named Villagers Here!

Revolutionize Your Minecraft Bedrock Experience!
Introducing intelligent Chatty Villagers that will speak to you when interacted/traded with!
- The Behaviour Pack is the main pack
- The Resource Pack is optional!
For simplified Chatty Nitwits only, see here!
All villagers will now express themselves when you trade with them,
Sending a message in chat!
Nitwits Types (green) will display a message when interacted with either way they are a trader or not!

Supported Languages:
- English
- Spanish
- Indonesian
- Russian

The Behaviour Pack

There are over 2500+ messages.
Messages can include advice or information about different vanilla mobs, Minecraft lore, secret & special messages, & even jokes!

Villager Messages

The Resource Pack

RP is NOT necessary! Only For Sounds!

This will change their in-game sounds of "Hmm.." into "Hi Bro", & "Hello Bro" & a few other sayings!
(voice actor needed to read dialogue so we can match recordings to chat messages!)

Villagers will share lore, Minecraft facts & tell stories about their daily struggles & much more!
From jokes, stories, holiday sayings, past experiences, or hopes & dreams—villagers now have a lot to say!

No more DumDum silent villagers that only go "Hmm.." — now they have unique voices, responses, & behaviours when interacted with!
Making your village life feel truly alive.
Whether you're trading, protecting your village, or just wandering around, these villagers will add personality and depth to your world.


! You must toggle scripts !

Enabled Beta APIs


Chatty Villagers Logo

Features & Info:

Behavior Pack:


Contains the script for chat interactions/sayings,
Install this if you only want 999 messages!

Resource Pack:


Contains talking villager voice sounds,
Install this if you want to hear villagers say things other than "hmm"

(Limited in voice sounds due to Bedrock villager base code, but we can fix that once a voice actor partners with me :P)

You ONLY need the behavior pack installed to world for chat text from villagers!
THE RESOURCE PACK is for the voices only and not really necessary!

  • Interactive Conversations: Engage with any type of villagers & experience dynamic dialogues & interesting facts/stories!
  • Realistic Reactions: Villagers respond to player actions, from trading, to attacks - prepare for many laughs!
  • Over 999 Unique Messages: Ranging from Minecraft lore, funny jokes, simple sayings, comments about the weather/day, random stories, comments about mobs, the past, & more!

Preview Video

Bring Villages to Life Like Never Before!
Enjoy Richer & More Vibrant Interactive Villagers,
Make Beautiful Memories & Minecraft Worlds!
Download BOTH BP & RP To Experience The Difference.
Use #rebornrpg or #rrpgmc on socials so we can see your content!
You could be featured, putting many eyes on your page! ^-^

See My Other Addons😊

More of my Fun Addons

A Minecraft Movie: The Addon

Developing for Bedrock Edition!
Beta V1

A Minecraft Movie: The Addon Cover

Brings aspects of MC Movie into the game!
From Ghast Piglin Carriers, to Jack Black Steve, Garrett & everyone!

- Download Here

Reborn MC Shaders

Reborn MC Shaders Cover

(Includes many inspired VFX effects by realism! Moving plants & pretty blending fogs, & weather effects & more!)
Makes your game incredibly pretty when combined with other texture packs!

Really makes the game look & feel more realistic!

- Download Here

Idle Animations

An addon that animates your character in game at random times, simulating "Idle Movements"
Seen in most video games where the character looks around or moves while standing still!

Truly brings your characters to life!

- Download Here

Cloud Clashes Balloon Blitz

An addon that makes Minecraft's skies less empty, and explorable!

Bring more life & enjoyment to Minecraft's skies!

- Download Here

Music Players

Adds 52+ collectible music players - hip-hoppy chiptune pixel styled beats!

Brings bopping groovy music players into your game!

- Download Here

Join the Reborn RPG Realms!

Where friendships are created, and no fake people!
(Don't take things personally! :D As lots of people joke around, but it's mostly for fun and games/teasing! :3)

Join Discord - CLICK HERE!

(You must be in Discord to play & access the Realms/server & be a part of the community! Also it's where updates happen, etc.)

Minecraft Bedrock Rank & Clan Tags!

It allows you to add ranks AND clans, with rank: and clan:
Want to say "gang" instead for modern city roleplay use? Contact me! :)

- Download Here


Villager Voice Credits to NotVixios!

Want Just Chatty Nitwit Villagers?
View & Euforia's Addon! Click Here

Thanks for viewing & downloading!
Please rate! 😊

Sub to my YouTube channel for content! 😀

Or Help With My Other Addons?🤔

Voice Actors Wanted!

We can take this addon to the next level! 😎
And truly bring villagers alive with random voice sayings, too!
What does this mean? (Not just chat messages... - But voice messages, too!)

So if you're interested in making a few clever villager voice lines, join the discord and let's get to work! :D
This is a volunteer job and your credit/link to whatever sites you want will be attached to an update on this post once things get moving along.


Villager Voice Actor (Record voice & send through AI system!)
Addon Manager (Manage updates & fun things for Reborn RPG!)
Addon Devs (Multiple positions open to start developing Reborn RPG)
Staff positions to fill!

You can apply for staff & other roles on Discord!



  • This pack originally was supposed to only make villagers speak in chat with simple messages at random, but it became too spammy. After initially building the addon, I wanted to reduce the message amounts but couldn't figure it out. ChatGPT wasn't helping me after initially building the addon for me, lol. So it was simplified into interactions or they will speak when traded with, etc.
  • Then the idea to add voices came up, which prolonged and released a bit to get that together. Then I realized I also wanted them to speak voices again after interacted with xD. I went in circles a bit.
  • When initially getting ready to port the addon Nitwits was found, the file names of the bigger pack were changed, and the and the Nitwits code was brought into mine, thus replacing pretty basic stuff.
  • Nitwits was combined (replaced my Nitwit Portions, too) & a resource pack was created to go along containing sounds too, which in the future I want to connect voice to the chat messages (but a voice actor is needed :P)

If you would like ONLY talking Nitwits, BUT ALSO want to use the new voice pack & villager sounds too, they work together!

I hope everyone enjoys, please check out Euforia's & My Other Packs, too!

Updated on March 27


  • Now all versions can be accessed through 1 link.
  • Updated to 1.21.70+
Changelog for February 27 / Old Update


  • Updated for 1.21.60+
Changelog for January 07 / Old Update


  • Updated download link for full access.
    You can now choose from all chatty villager versions! :)


Changelog for December 29 / Old Update

Update 3:

  • Updated 1.21.50+
  • Lots of new messages!
Changelog for November 26 / Old Update

Update 2:

  • Now over 2500+ messages!
  • Spanish version now available! (content request)
  • Indonesian version now available! (content request)
Changelog for November 07 / Old Update

Update 1:

  • Nothing new to download,
  • Just made the page better,
  • Added proper inspired by credits,
  • Pack ready to play with!
Download links
Download V1.9 - Mediafire
Reborn RPG's LinkTree
Supported versions
1.21.70 1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0
7 230
  1. No avatar image Sr_rp Guest
    Pls portuguese language
  2. No avatar image Error Guest
    Bro, what you're doing is really cool, because it's unique to bedrock, and no one has thought of it yet. It would be great if you released a Russian version 🫶
  3. Please make direct English MCADDON download Please?
  4. No avatar image Feliz Guest
    PLS Brazilian version
    1. Reborn RPG profile avatar Reborn RPG Author
      sure thing :)
  5. Reborn RPG profile avatar Reborn RPG Author
    Indonesian Version Now Available!
  6. Reborn RPG profile avatar Reborn RPG Author
    Spanish Version Now Available! Plus Now 2500+ Messages!
  7. i can't get passed the adds to download, i'll watch the adds more than once and it still wont let me unlock it :(
    1. Reborn RPG profile avatar Reborn RPG Author
      Sorry about that :( IF on mobile, usually a new "tab" opens, scroll to the bottom then back up if it's a browsy type article page. then just close it/go back into the waiting area. the button will turn green/blue eventually I promise :) for anything that downloads itself, just delete the file in your downloads afterwards! I don't personally use any of the offers from the creator links but some things are not a waste of time to look at xD. i often get world of tanks videos to watch so thats .... somewhat of entertainment haha.

      Hope you get it figured out have a great day!
  8. Skydex profile avatar Skydex
    Donde está el paquete de recursos?
  9. No avatar image annuan
    Author, I want to dub Chinese
    1. Reborn RPG profile avatar Reborn RPG Author
      Are you asking for me to translate it into Chinese? Traditional or simplified? it takes a lot of work to translate thousands of messages but it's doable... i can translate it into any language on request just need time to do it, and for people to actually ask things xD
  10. No avatar image annuan
    Hello, Author, 1.21.40 Lack of Behavior Package
  11. Puedes ponerlo en español?? Está muy epico el mod jeje
  12. Interesting im going to try this
  13. Ok bro