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Slime Delight Bedrock (Unofficial)

Thumbnail: Slime Delight Bedrock (Unofficial) Go to files

This add-on is an unofficial port of the Slime Delight Mod to Bedrock Edition, meticulously reproduced to match the original as closely as possible. It enhances gameplay by adding a variety of new crops, recipes, and cooking mechanics, bringing a richer and more immersive farming experience to Minecraft Bedrock players.

Slime Delight Bedrock Logo

Port Permission

Here is the original project link: Slime Delight - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge

With permission from the author, allows me to port it to Bedrock Edition.

Permission from the author

Special thanks to super_okina for creating this excellent mod!

โ—† Dependent Mod

Farmer's Delight (made by Moaswies)

โ—† Foods and Items

Foods and Items: Screenshot

โ—† Blocks and Block Foods

Blocks and Block Foods: Screenshot

โ—† Cooking Pot Recipes

The cooking pot will display the cooking pot recipes in this addon.

Cooking Pot Recipes 1

Cooking Pot Recipes 2

Finally, thanks for downloading!

Download links
Slime Delight [1.21.40+]
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40