Ages Evolution Public Beta v0.9.0 v1.21.0

Ever wanted to start a BC survival world in Minecraft? Ages Evolution is an add-on that allows you to start from 10000 B.C. in Minecraft all the way to modern technology.
This is aย beta version of the add-on, new updates will be released soon!
We strongly advise using this version with Minecraft 1.21.0 to avoid the addon becoming corrupted until the next release, where almost all of the blocks, items, and entities will be updated.
Don't forget to checkout GU Official Site for more info regarding the add-on!
- Some features from this beta version:
Let's Start The Journey Through Public Beta 9
AE Logs:
- Logs once again will only drop when mining it with Flint Hatchet.
- Logs will send an error message to players breaking it without the Flint Hatchet.
- Logs now have 2 axis rotation.
- Updated logs to support the latest version 1.21.20+
- Fixed some blocks not loading due to Minecraft's 1.21.20 update.
Chopping Block:
- Chopping Blocks are now a solid block.
- Tap the chopping block with logs to place them instead of interacting with it.
- Hit wood on the chopping block using the Flint Hatchet instead of interacting with it.
- Modified Chopping Blocks textures to look more like blocks.
- Chopping Blocks will now rotate like a block instead of a shulker.
- Chopping Blocks will no longer get stuck when placing 2 on the same block.
- Adjusted Chopping Blocks collision box.
- Birch & Acacia Chopping Blocks will drop their correct type when picking them up.
- Corrected Chopping Blocks item textures.
Drying Rack:
- Drying racks are now a solid block.
- Tap the drying rack with leather to hang instead of interacting.
- Drying Racks will no longer freely rotate when placed & will rotate like a block.
- Adjusted Drying Rack's hit box.
Fire Pit:
- Drying Racks will no longer freely rotate when placed & will rotate like a block.
- Adjusted Drying Rack's hit box.
- Fire Pits are now a solid block.
- Modified Fire Pit textures to look more like a block.
- Extended Fire Pit's cooking time up to 30s.
- Fire Pits will now go off after 30 seconds of inactivity.
- Tap the Fire Pit with raw food to cook instead of interacting.
- Grindstone is now a solid block.
- Hit the grindstone to start grinding instead of interacting with it.
- Tap the grindstone with the item you want to grind instead of interacting.
- Grindstone will no longer freely rotate when placed & will rotate like a block.
Huge Rock:
- Huge Rocks are now a solid block.
- Hit the huge rock with the desired material to flake it.
- Getting flaked material from huge rocks is now a bit harder.
- Kilns are now a solid block.
- Tap the Kiln with the item you want to smelt instead of interacting.
- Kilns will no longer freely rotate when placed & will rotate like a block.
- Placing Burnt Kiln will now play the proper sound.
Wooden Barrel:
- Wooden Barrels are now a solid block.
- Wooden Barrels now have place and destroy sounds.
- Modified wooden barrel textures to look more like a block
- Retextured the water that the wooden barrel contains
- Wooden Barrels will no longer freely rotate when placed & will rotate like a block.
- Wooden Barrel will now drop its item when destroyed.
- Retextured the Wooden Barrels item for a better look.
- Wooden Barrels will no longer consume the water in fluid bladders if they are full.
- Added a Place Holder Item for developing purposes.
- Added a mammoth saddle (not craftable) at the moment.
- Removed the old Mammoht's idle animation.
- The Mammoth now has a new walking animation to add motion.
- Mammoths have an eating animation.
- Mammoth now has a brand new idle animation.
- Spawning the mammoth using a spawn egg will have a higher chance to spawn a baby.
- Mammoth will now attack players if they harm them.
- Young Mammoths will follow adult Mammoths.
- Mammoths are aggressive toward predators like the Smilodon.
- Mammoths will defend their owner just like wolves.
- Mammoths can be tamed using the PlaceHolder item.
- Use a stick to command the mammoth to stay & follow.
- Shift and interact with the mammoth to sit or stand.
- Place a mammoth saddle on a tamed mammoth's back to mount it.
- Mammoths have a 15 slot inventory when saddled.
- Nerfed the Mammoth's HP.
- Wild Mammoth's have 50HP, Baby 25HP, and Tamed 75HP.
- Mammoth has a dead variant that spawns on their death.
- Baby Mammoths don't have a dead variant.
- Feed young mammoths hay blocks & leaves to grow them.
- Players can feed tamed Mammoth's with leaves.
- Mammoths will sleep and close their eyes during the night.
- Added Ages Evolution Addon info button in the pause menu.
Images from this update are on GU Official Website
Known Issues:
- Everything is broken on Minecraft 1.21.20+ [Live Bug]
- Some blocks don't load due to Minecraft's 1.21.20 Update [Live Bug]
- Here is a list of blocks that are broken in 1.21.20 Update:
- Lowgrade Charcoal
- Cavern Painting 1
- AE Gravel Block
- AE Tall Grass
- Branch
- Dried Grass
- Baby Blue Eyes (Flower)
- Cosmos Mix (Flower)
- Royal Blue Lobelia (Flower)
- Rocks
- Salt Block
- Small Rock
- Snags
- Big Lilly Pad
- Some blocks & structures are not generated because of feature rules [Live Bug]
- Functionalities of the item are broken [Live Bug]
- Low-grade charcoal blocks, in some cases, start fire on their own [Live Bug]
Note: The AE Experimental Pack is required in order for the add-on to function properly.
- These are the features from beta versions, hope you like the add-on! You can send me feedback on the add-ons Discord Server!
- NOTE: If you are doing a review, you are allowed to post only this ModBay addon page link. Don't hurt me with direct links to MediaFire! (Help me create more add-ons by supporting me)
- WARNING: This addon was posted on MCPEDL and MODBAY! You are not allowed to publish this on other websites or applications without my permission.
- NOTE: YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO MODIFY THIS ADDON (Only modify it for personal use)
- NOTE: To use this addon, enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options!!!