
PHX's Tools & Weapons - Basics - BETA 1.13.0 [ Daggers, Sickles & Big Changes ]

Thumbnail: PHX's Tools & Weapons - Basics - BETA 1.13.0 [ Daggers, Sickles & Big Changes ] Go to files

Phoenix's Tools & Weapons: Basics, an exciting add-on that brings a wide range of new tools, weapons, and other equipment to the beloved world of Minecraft. Whether you're an experienced explorer, a fearless warrior, or a skilled builder, this add-on will take your gaming experience to new heights. Get ready for a variety of powerful equipment that will help you conquer the world of Minecraft.

Basic Info



PHX's Tools & Weapons - Basics Logo

  • The basic version of the add-on that brings new equipment to vanilla materials. It is the base version and essential for any other expansion... These expansions are like add-ons for the add-on...
  • Content:
  1. New Tools: Lumberaxe, Pulaski, Hammer, Excavator & Sickle;
  2. New Weapons: Dagger, Longsword & Scythe;
  3. New Equipments: Miner Helmet;
  4. New Items: Blueprints & Tool Handle;
  5. Add-on system.


Copper Expansion

PHX's Tools & Weapons - Copper Expansion Logo

  • The first expansion of the addon. Adds the copper equpment variation...
  • Content:
  1. New Tools: Copper Tools;
  2. New Weapons: Copper Weapons;
  3. New Equipments: Copper Miner Helmet & Copper Armor;
  4. New Items: Copper Nugget.





  • Vanilla Material
  • Durability - 59
  • Mining Speed - 2
  • Mining Level - Wood
  • Enchanting Power - 15




  • Vanilla Material
  • Durability - 131
  • Mining Speed - 4
  • Mining Level - Stone
  • Enchanting Power - 5




  • Copper Expansion Material
  • Durability - 175
  • Mining Speed - 5
  • Mining Level - Iron
  • Tools Enchanting Power - 12
  • Armors Enchanting Power - 7




  • Vanilla Material
  • Durability - 250
  • Mining Speed - 6
  • Mining Level - Iron
  • Tools Enchanting Power - 14
  • Armors Enchanting Power - 9




  • Vanilla Material
  • Durability - 32
  • Mining Speed - 12
  • Mining Level - Gold
  • Tools Enchanting Power - 22
  • Armors Enchanting Power - 25




  • Vanilla Material
  • Durability - 1561
  • Mining Speed - 8
  • Mining Level - Diamond
  • Tools Enchanting Power - 10
  • Armors Enchanting Power - 10




  • Vanilla Material
  • Durability - 2031
  • Mining Speed - 9
  • Mining Level - Netherite
  • Tools Enchanting Power - 15
  • Armors Enchanting Power - 15




  • Tools are the class of equipment intended for use in general activities, except combat. Improper use causes greater damage to durability. This class is divided into three subclasses:
  1. Precision Tools - Tools with precise activities like breaking one block at a time: (Axe, Pickaxe, Shovel & Hoe);
  2. Broad Tools - Tools to save time working on larger areas: (Lumberaxe, Hammer, Excavator & Sickle);
  3. Multi-Tools - Inventory-saving tools, bringing together different functions in one tool: (Pulaski).



  • Weapons are the class of equipment intended for use in combat. Improper use causes greater damage to durability. This class is divided into three subclasses:
  1. Melee - Basic melee weapons: (Sword & Dagger);
  2. Broad Melee - Melee weapons with a greater range: (Longsword & Scythe);
  3. Ranged Melee - Weapons that can be used as melee and ranged (Trident).



  • General equipment, armor, and others. This class is divided into two subclasses:
  1. Light Armor - Basic armors: (Basic Armors);
  2. Utilitary Armor - Armors with special functionalities: (Miner Helmet);






  • An essential item used to craft the new equipment.
  • They can be obtained from armorer, toolsmith, weaponsmith and bonus chests.

Blueprints in Chests

  • They can also be sold by armorers, toolsmiths, weaponsmiths and wandering traders.

Blueprints in Trades


Tool Handle

Tool Handle

  • Another essential item to craft the new equipment.

Tool Handle Recipes


Copper Nugget

Copper Nugget

  • A small piece of copper ingot.

Copper Nugget Recipes



Axe (Vanilla)


  • A basic wood cutting tool.

Axes Recipes

  • Class - Precision Tool
  • Damage
    • Wood - 3
    • Stone - 4
    • Copper - 4
    • Iron - 5
    • Gold - 3
    • Diamond - 6
    • Netherite - 7
  • Attack Speed - 1.0


Pickaxe (Vanilla)


  • A basic mining tool.

Pickaxes Recipes

  • Class - Precision Tool
  • Damage
    • Wood - 2
    • Stone - 3
    • Copper - 3
    • Iron - 4
    • Gold - 2
    • Diamond - 5
    • Netherite - 6
  • Attack Speed - 1.25


Shovel (Vanilla)


  • A basic digging tool.

Shovels Recipes

  • Class - Precision Tool
  • Damage
    • Wood - 2
    • Stone - 3
    • Copper - 3
    • Iron - 4
    • Gold - 2
    • Diamond - 5
    • Netherite - 6
  • Attack Speed - 1.0


Hoe (Vanilla)


  • A basic farming tool.

Hoes Recipes

  • Class - Precision Tool
  • Damage
    • Wood - 2
    • Stone - 3
    • Copper - 3
    • Iron - 4
    • Gold - 2
    • Diamond - 5
    • Netherite - 6
  • Attack Speed - 1.0


Lumber Axe

Lumber Axes

  • A broad wood cutting tool.

Lumber Axes Recipes

  • Class - Broad Tool
  • Damage
    • Wood - 6
    • Stone - 7
    • Copper - 7
    • Iron - 8
    • Gold - 6
    • Diamond - 9
    • Netherite - 10
  • Attack Speed - 0.8
  • Ability - Tree Captator
    • Cuts down entire trees.
    • Blocks - All Logs & Mangrove Roots.




  • A broad mining tool.

Hammers Recipes

  • Class - Broad Tool
  • Damage
    • Wood - 2
    • Stone - 3
    • Copper - 3
    • Iron - 4
    • Gold - 2
    • Diamond - 5
    • Netherite - 6
  • Attack Speed - 0.6
  • Ability - 3×3 Mining
    • Mines some blocks in a 3×3 area.
    • Blocks - Stone, Andesite, Diorite, Deepslate, Tuff, Dripstone, Sandstone, Red Sandstone, Hardened Clay, Stained Hardened Clay, Netherrack, Warped & Crimson Nylium, Blackstone, Basalt, Magma Block, Endstone & Obsidian (Diamond+).




  • A broad digging tool.

Excavators Recipes

  • Class - Broad Tool
  • Damage
    • Wood - 1
    • Stone - 2
    • Copper - 2
    • Iron - 3
    • Gold - 1
    • Diamond - 4
    • Netherite - 5
  • Attack Speed - 0.9
  • Ability I - 3×3 Mining
    • Digs some blocks in a 3×3 area.
    • Blocks - Dirt, Grass, Podzol, Mycelium, Mud, Gravel, Sand, Snow, Soul Sand, Soul Soil & Clay.
  • Ability II - 3×3 Pathing
    • Makes grass paths in a 3×3 area.




  • A broad farming tool.

Sickles Recipes

  • Class - Broad Tool
  • Damage
    • Wood - 2
    • Stone - 3
    • Copper - 3
    • Iron - 4
    • Gold - 2
    • Diamond - 5
    • Netherite - 6
  • Attack Speed - 1.0
  • Ability I - 3×3 Harvesting
    • Harvests crops in a 3×3 area.
    • Crops - Wheat, Beetroots, Carrots & Potatoes.
  • Ability II - Sweep Attack
    • Performs a sweeping attack.
    • Range - Short
    • Damage - 25%




  • A mining and wood cutting tool.

Pulaskis Recipes

  • Class - Multi-Tool
  • Damage
    • Wood - 1
    • Stone - 2
    • Copper - 2
    • Iron - 3
    • Gold - 1
    • Diamond - 4
    • Netherite - 5
  • Attack Speed - 0.9
  • Ability - Multi-Mining
    • Breaks diferent block types.
    • Blocks - Stone & Wood.



Sword (Vanilla)


  • A basic melee weapon.

Swords Recipes

  • Class - Melee
  • Damage
    • Wood - 4
    • Stone - 5
    • Copper - 5
    • Iron - 6
    • Gold - 4
    • Diamond - 7
    • Netherite - 8
  • Attack Speed - 1.6
  • Ability - Sweep Attack
    • Range - Short
    • Damage - 25%




  • A short and fast melee weapon.

Daggers Recipes

  • Class - Melee
  • Damage
    • Wood - 2
    • Stone - 3
    • Copper - 3
    • Iron - 4
    • Gold - 2
    • Diamond - 5
    • Netherite - 6
  • Attack Speed - 1.8




  • A broad melee weapon.

Longswords Recipes

  • Class - Broad Melee
  • Damage
    • Wood - 5
    • Stone - 6
    • Copper - 6
    • Iron - 7
    • Gold - 5
    • Diamond - 8
    • Netherite - 9
  • Attack Speed - 1.2
  • Ability - Sweep Attack
    • Range - Medium
    • Damage - 50%




  • A broad melee weapon.

Scythes Recipes

  • Class - Broad Melee
  • Damage
    • Wood - 4
    • Stone - 5
    • Copper - 5
    • Iron - 6
    • Gold - 4
    • Diamond - 7
    • Netherite - 8
  • Attack Speed - 1.0
  • Ability I - Sweep Attack
    • Range - Long
    • Damage - 75%
  • Ability II - 3×3 Farming
    • Makes farmlands in a 3×3 area.


Trident (Vanilla)


  • A basic ranged melee weapon.
  • Class - Ranged Melee
  • Damage - 8
  • Attack Speed - 1.6
  • Ability - Throw
    • Can be thrown.



Basic Armor

Copper Armor

  • A basic armor.

Copper Armor

  • Armor Defense
    • Copper - 2,5,4,1 - 12
  • Armor Durability
    • Copper - 115,167,157,136

Player with Copper Armor: Screenshot


Miner Helmet

Miner Helmets

  • The perfect helmet for mining.

Miner Helmets Recipes

  • Defense
    • Copper - 1
    • Iron - 1
    • Gold - 1
    • Diamond - 2
    • Netherite - 2
  • Durability
    • Copper - 86
    • Iron - 124
    • Gold - 58
    • Diamond - 272
    • Netherite - 305

Player with Miner Helmets: Screenshots



Cooldown Indicator

You can change the type of cooldown indicator using the following commands:

  • !indicator hotbar:

Hotbar Cooldown Indicator

  • !indicator crosshair:

Crosshair Cooldown Indicator

  • !indicator remove

Note: remove the indicator if lag when attacking.



  • The addon is under development and may have bugs. If you find one, let me know!
  • Compatible with many addons.
  • This addon is avaliable in following languages:
    • English - US
    • Español - ES
    • Português - BR
  • If you are making a review, showcase, or gameplay video, don't forget to leave the official ModBay or MCPEDL link!
  • If you're on app, consider downloading the addon from the official link to support the creator!
  • Join on Discord to get access to news and early download: https://discord.com/invite/2P8BcMJdNf


Download Guide

  • Consider downloading the addon from the link on the ModBay or MCPEDL website to support the creator!
  • The download file is in mcpack, if the installation fails, extract the files and move them to the Minecraft directory. Install it in your world and enjoy!
  • Don't forget to enable creator features!

Required Experiments for PHX's Tools & Weapons Addon


Updated on May 13

What's new?

V - Beta 1.13.2

✓ Addon Changes:

  • New Tool: Sickle;
  • New Weapon: Dagger;
  • New Items: Blueprints;
  • Removed: vanilla tools copy, blacksmith's notes & project table.
  • Performance improvements;
  • System changes & improvements;
  • Now vanilla tools has attack cooldown;
  • Little texture changes;
  • New cooldown Indicator;
  • Expansions;
  • Equipment classes;
  • Other changes.

✓ Post Changes:

  • Added missing informations;
  • Download fixed;
  • Updated the post.
Download links
PTW Basics 1.13.2
PTW Copper Expansion (Basics Required)
Supported versions
1.20.80 1.20.70
6 076
  1. I love this addon because of how vanilla and compatible it is. But I have a question: are you planning to add more tools from some other culture or armor variations?
    1. Hey! Thanks for the feedback! I'm working on new items and I'll be updating the addon soon...
      1. No avatar image Alpacriz
        When.... we are in June