No'Mo Useless! (V2)

This addon is just a small one adding a few features so Don't Expect too much!
You know, these useless Minecraft Features? Beetroot or Bats or The Dragon Egg?!?! Well, NOT ON MY WATCH! This addon Makes Features more Usefull!
Silverfish now drops Raw Iron
And btw Raw... Raw Blocks in a Furnace now turns them into Blocks
The Bat Drops Netherwarts now!
Also Zombies, Husks and Drowns avoid Bats
Granit, Andesite and Diorite (Including the polished versions)
Can be made into Stone Tools
And Beetroot Soup is now more cheap
Anvils can be made from Copper and so can Rails
Turtles now will drop 4-5 Scutes when growing up
Now Goats drop Goat Leather
Cooked Carrots are as good as Cooked Salmon and can be made with a Furnace, Smoker, Campfire and Soul Campfire
Golden Beetroot gives Jump Boost, Regeneration and Absorption
The Golden Potato gives a lot of saturation
Enchanted Gold Ingots are dropped from Piglin Brutes and can be made into Totems or God Apples
Golden Sticks can be made from Gold and used to make a new Tool Set
Dragon Egg Shards can be made into a new Tool Set
Its really Strong and Fast and has over 3000 Durability
Amethyst Crops can give good effects but damage you on eat
Like I said, It's a really small addon and just adds tweaks into the Game!
Hope you enjoy it :))))))
Updated on September 27
- Fixed a few minor bugs
- Changed the download links of the addon