monoDeco V2 Remake Furniture - 470 Blocks | v0.6.3 | MCPE 1.21.20+
This is the remake of broken mdplus!

This is the remake of broken mdplus!
Socketed Armor adds 80 new pieces of armor, for a total of 20 sets of armor. Now with trims!
Adds 6 new mob variants, 2 ores, gems and decorative blocks, and a custom crafting table, the Jeweler's Table. Works with Socketed Weapons and Socketed Armor.
Venom is an alien creature from the planet Klentar. The addon adds 3 new symbiotes.
Ever wanted to bring modern technology into your Minecraft world? Now, with this innovative addon, you can! Introducing the Ultimate Smartphone addon!
Are your chests messy and never bothered to organize them because it is too much of a task? Are you looking for an easy way to organize your items? This addon is just for you!
This addon is particularly useful for players who enjoy exploring, mining, or building far from their base, as it allows them to carry more items without constantly returning to storage chests.
Minecraft Copper Craft addon, this addon has copper tools and armor. It gets even better with this addon alongside Minecraft's 1.21 update.
This addon is inspired by the Mustard Virus addon, which allows zombies to mutate every 10 days and have unique abilities.
This addon will facilitate trade on your server and will make your server the best server for selling, as well as provide protection to protect the goods and make the buyer pay accordingly.