DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
Thank you very much Admin D for helping with the addon release! Cheers! ; )
Crystlu profile avatarCrystlu
I'd like to inform you about a bug, the outline of the derpy golden apple isn't really the style of minecraft(the gap stands out too much). What i mean is, it is just black but other outlines like a cooked beef is a darker color of the inside and when i realized this, i also realized that this outline problem bugs me so much, maybe im just too minecrafty. Anyways, i would appreciate if you could fix it and i apologize if i am wasting any time.
Microwave profile avatarMicrowave
I'm aware, but I want to make a different take on it.

I'm also adding a few Mutants that either aren't executed properly, underrated or doesn't exist yet.
SirGhaith profile avatarSirGhaith
We already have a mod for Mutant Mobs
nosegonzales386 profile avatarnosegonzales386
Cuando le pongo este mod a mi servidor o mundo recién creado
Y quiero entrar no me deja entrar
karajime6 profile avatarkarajime6
For some reason, ship doesn’t work for me? Do you know how to fix it?
Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38
Great ideas! I’ll try and release the next update as soon as I can
HarryFootmin profile avatarHarryFootmin
You dare to slander me lord's name? You filthy commoner. *unleashes dogs at you marleyan style*
Dev10us profile avatarDev10us
Yo thanks! Got it accepted!