No avatar imageSuperLlama88888
Wow, very impressive! I love the style of clouds and the method of storing them in the cubemap textures!
How did you do the coloured lighting? Is it similar to Veka0's coloured lighting shader/addon using a custom deferred pipeline?
No avatar imageSuperLlama88888
Wow, this is amazing! Very smart way of doing it!
No avatar imageSuperLlama88888
Whoah!!! Very cool!
No avatar imageSuperLlama88888
It would be easier to be positive about this pack if it didn't falsely market itself as a "shader", obscuring real shader developers' efforts and works.
No avatar imageSuperLlama88888
Shaders have existed for a while now, but require unconventional methods to install them. It's false advertising to market your resource pack as a "shader" where it does not change the shaders!
The new shaders (.material.bin) files can be installed by replacing the internal files, but new methods include putting them inside a .mcpack and using a modified client to load them at runtime. Therefore, it's wrong to call your shader-less pack a "shader" when it isn't.
No avatar imageSuperLlama88888
Oh I am totally using this! I was also looking into using attachables to make easy 3D totems with player skins and this is a perfect use of it!
P.S. What are those alternate geometry files...
No avatar imageSuperLlama88888
You can now use BetterRenderDragon to import these shaders!
No avatar imageSuperLlama88888
For ZIP files, you can just rename it to a MCPACK file then import normally. Press F2, then get rid of the ".zip" and replace it with ".mcpack"