Nissan Concept 2020 Vision GT | v1.2.4 Final Update

Hello there, Nissan fanboys! It's time to meet the beauty of the Nissan Vision GT! That is from Gran Turismo! Feels exclusive? Not anymore, now Concept 2020 Vision GT in MINECRAFT! Yeah, it's a beautiful car.
Basic Information
Nissan Concept 2020 Vision GT Basic Specifications:
- Speed: 5 Blocks/Second. [0.50 Speed]
- Inventory: Chest Container.
- Health: 20 Points.
- Seat count: 2.
- Wrench: Fixes 1 point to the vehicle.
- Tweak: Changes the vehicle size.
- Use right-click/hold and tap to spray the vehicle.
Nitro x2:
- The blue one is full of Nitro x2. Carefully use it! You can use Nitro x2 only 3 times! So save them if you really need them. How to use them? It's the same thing as a pig! It's re-textured carrots on a stick and fishing rods.
Nissan Concept 2020 Vision GT Visual
Toys Scale vs Real Size
"Use the Invisibility Potion if you wanna ride the Toys Version"
Congratulations! Now you just changed to "Hot Wheels: Beat That!" game in Minecraft!
- This addon supports other addons and my other creations at Misc Update.
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You can modify this pack for yourself only.
Updated on November 13
- Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.40.
- Toys version now can be changed with Tweak Wrench.