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Simple Waystone Addon

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This addon's aim is for fast travelling purposes from one location to another. 

How it works:

  1. Craft the waystone block, you will see the crafting recipe in the recipe book inside the crafting table.
  2. Place the block.
  3. Interact with the block to see the waystone naming UI.
  4. Interact with the block again to register the waystone and to see the waypoint list.
  5. Pick a waypoint to teleport to it if you have the right level requirement.

Crafting Recipes:

Waystone Blocks

Stone Bricks Waystone Recipe

Stone Waystone Recipe

Netherrack Waystone Recipe

Sand Waystone Recipe

Deepslate Waystone Recipe

Sandstone Waystone Recipe

Gate Tokens:

Gate Tokens Recipe

What the naming UI looks like:

Waypoint Naming UI: Screenshot

There will be a pre-filled name when you interact with the newly placed waystone, you can change it, if you want.

What the waypoint list looks like:

Waypoint List UI: Screenshot

The list will show the current name of the waystone you are using and other waypoints you have registered. Beside the names is the level requirement.

There are also commands you can use to clear all the waypoints and to see all the waypoints in the world and the waypoints you have registered.


  • /scriptevent sw:delete - delete all waypoints
  • /scriptevent sw:remove - delete specific waypoints
  • /scriptevent sw:config - opens waystone config UI to edit XP settings
  • /scriptevent sw:configreset - reset waystone config
  • /scriptevent sw:diagnostic <world | me> - for testing purposes

(/scriptevent sw:config) Config UI:

Config UI: Screenshot

(/scriptevent sw:remove) Remove UI:

Remove UI: Screenshot

My Discord:


  • You are not allowed to repost this resource/addon.
  • You are not allowed to create your own download link.
  • You are not allowed to share the direct link.
  • Feel free to make videos, just credit.

Updated on January 07

Version 19:

  • Renamed 'public' toggle to 'Global Waystone'.
  • Added new toggle 'Private Waystone'.
  • Private Waystone, only the owner can use the waystone and break it.
V18 / October 23 / Old Update

Version 18:

  • Added 2 new commands.
  • /scriptevent sw:config - open waystone config UI to edit XP settings for waystone.
  • /scriptevent sw:configreset - reset the config of waystone.
V17 / October 18 / Old Update


  • Added 5 waystone variants.
  • Added art in waystone UI depending on the dimension.
V16 / August 24 / Old Update

For Minecraft 1.21.20 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed for 1.21.20.


  • Server UI code is now in stable.
  • Addon will be now compatible 1.21.20+ and onwards.
V15 / August 11 / Old Update


  • Added new command /scriptevent sw:remove to remove specific waystone.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed diagnostic command.
V14 / July 13 / Old Update

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed "typeid" error showing up when using the waystone.
V13 / June 19 / Old Update

For Minecraft Bedrock Version 1.21


  • Updated script version to use 1.21.0 stable script.
  • Changed command format from !sw to /scriptevent sw.
V12 / May 26 / Old Update

MC 1.20.8x V13

  • Fixed "typeid" error showing up when using the waystone.
V12 / May 22 / Old Update

MC 1.20.8x V12:

  • Whole addon recode.
  • Added the ability to make waypoints public.
V11 / April 28 / Old Update

MC 1.20.8x V11:

  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.20.80.
V10 / March 16 / Old Update

MC 1.20.7x V10:

  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.20.70.
  • Fixed the wrong download link name from 1.20.60 to 1.20.70.
V9 / February 07 / Old Update

MC 1.20.6x V9:

  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.20.60.
  • Moved some code to stable but not all.
V8 / December 26 / Old Update

MC 1.20.5x V8:

  • Added new item "Gate Token", a consumable that let's you teleport to a registered waystone.
  • Fixed sometimes waystone not removing when breaking it.
V7.6 / December 10 / Old Update

MC 1.20.50 V7.6:

  • Updated addon to Minecraft 1.20.50.
V7 / November 13 / Old Update

MC 1.20.40 Version 7:


  • Fixed waypoints showing the setup window even if the waypoint is already registered.


  • Adjust the XP Requirement calculations.
  • Teleport will now prioritize locations with floor and air blocks; if none are found, it will teleport the player inside the waystone like normal.
  • Added the XP ORB image inside the waypoint list for the XP requirement.
V6 / October 26 / Old Update

MC 1.20.40 Version 6:

  • Updated addon to support minecraft 1.20.40
  • Limit has been increased from 9999 to 32767 bytes (meaning it can store more waystones)
V5 / September 20 / Old Update

MC 1.20.30 Version 5:

  • Updated addon to support minecraft 1.20.30
Download links
Simple Waystone Addon V1.21.20+ Version 19
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20
17 142
  1. Actualizenlo q lo quiero de regreso lo necesito
  2. emo 3B profile avatar emo 3B
    the Gate Tokens can do what?
    1. No avatar image V Guest
      They let you teleport to a waystone
  3. Habrá alguna forma de poner un límite alos waipont por ejemplo quisiera que toda la gente de mi servidor solo pueda poner 5 waipont y más ya no agradecería la respuesta
  4. This is an especially useful addon! I'm enjoying it. I use it to go between farms and places I discover that look fun to build in.