Better Bedrock Version 1 (New Bosses, Weapons, Tools, and Food!)
Welcome to Better Bedrock Version 1! This addon improves most aspects of Minecraft, I've added lots of new items, animals, monsters, and even bosses!

Welcome to Better Bedrock Version 1! This addon improves most aspects of Minecraft, I've added lots of new items, animals, monsters, and even bosses!
This Addon ads weapons in 3D to your Minecraft world. Currently, it adds 9 Hammers and 3 Shields, but there will be more in the future!
Mowzie's Mobs will add atmospheric mobs with unique models, animations, sounds and modified behavior to your Minecraft world. There are currently 5 types of mobs and 3 bosses available.
With this addon, 4 new types of Netherite armor and tools will appear in the game. Don't forget about the armor effects!
Add to the game many types of new ores and the tools, armor and weapons that come with them, as well as some decorative blocks!
Almost 3 years in and finally completed it, the long awaited Carnage update! This new version of Carnage adds another 100 mobs into the game.
With this addon you get 18 new accessories to obtain within your Minecraft world. You will need to travel to many different places to find them with some needing to be crafted.
The Desert in Minecraft is one of the most empty biomes. Do you think so too? Well then this addon is for you because it updates the Desert!
This addon adds 13 new sets of gear, all with unique traits! All tools, weapons, and armor in this addon are craftable in survival and all the tools, weapons, and armor can be obtained from the
This addon brings the Halloween season to Minecraft! Re-experience the game with 4 new swords, 2 new armor sets, 2 new mobs, a new naturally spawning structure, and a new boss!