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NicoTheKid profile avatar

Nico's Mobs (v1.8.40)

This add-on will add new mobs that can spawn naturally in your world. Each mob had different abilities and unique loot. Some mobs can be tamed, and others are very dangerous.

8 111
NicoTheKid profile avatar

The Wild Environment (v1.10.6)

This add-on will increase the wilderness of nature and make your world look more natural and interesting to play in. It added more soil and rock patches to both surfaces and ocean floors.

8 033
NicoTheKid profile avatar

Nico's More Dungeon (v1.3.21)

Nico's More Dungeon is an add-on will bring new and large dungeon that generates around the world. Dungeons are filled with dangerous mobs, chest loots, and each dungeon is guarded by a boss!

16 000
NicoTheKid profile avatar

Nico's More Mineshaft (v1.5.1)

Nico's More Mineshaft is an add-on that will bring more new mineshaft structures that generate naturally in your world. Every mineshaft had different varieties, lengths, and loots.

7 907
NicoTheKid profile avatar

Nico's Item Expansion (v1.9.21)

This add-on will add more food, drinks, weapons, armor, and other miscellaneous items that may be useful for your survival game. Plus, a new table, a new pot, and recipes for uncraftable items.

5 373
NicoTheKid profile avatar

Keys & Crates (v1.8.21)

This add-on will add a different type of crate that generates naturally in your world and by using the keys and other equipment, crate will drop a random loots from low tier to a high tier item.

7 243