Undertale Add-on (WATERFALL UPDATE!)
This add-on brings all the stuff you love from UNDERTALE and tries to bring them into Bedrock Minecraft! This update brings the different souls from UNDERTALE along with their own uses.
This add-on brings all the stuff you love from UNDERTALE and tries to bring them into Bedrock Minecraft! This update brings the different souls from UNDERTALE along with their own uses.
This add-on introduces new Apple, Golden Apple and Enchanted Golden Apple cows. You can also craft new foods and try new golden and enchanted milks to improve your gaming experience!!!
There are times you want things a little easier to access, such as getting a saddle, or some diamond horse armor. Why should you have to search for them when you yourself have stuff to craft
Have you ever wanted to eat the flesh of your enemies without any adverse effects? Or stitch it together and wear it? Well, now you can!
Hello guys, today I uploaded my addon on ModBay. Want more hardcore in your game? And want to turn your game into real life? I think this addon is your choice.
The addon adds a new block into the game called the Item Trash can. Instead of building a redstone contraption, you can instead put the items here and it would delete it.
The addon includes a go-kart with 16 different colors, as well as animations and sounds for a more realistic driving experience.
Adds a variety of zombies that will make survival more difficult.
JACS, which stands for Just A Combat System, is a robot that defends the player from hostile mobs. JACS has different modes to be crafted that result on how the robot fights!