ZC Modpack 1.1.2 - Full Stable No Lag

It's a helping modpack including my upcoming mods with cool stuff and blocks & recipes like backpack, teleport stone, grave, veinminer, etc.
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Here is all the information (the textures are a little bit bad):
Showcase Video
Combined Addons
- Teleport Stone
- Ancient Weaponry Culture
- RPG Quest: Flourishing Fauna Edition
- Path Builder Wand
- Lag Clear
- Veinminer Key
- ZC Graves Stone
- More Crazy Tools
- Simple Storage
- Amazing Armor
Starting Tools
Just hold it and tap on the screen (left click), it will break 3x3 blocks. You can use it at early game.
Advanced Mining Tools
1. Booster
Gives you Haste 5, so you can break any block with your hand!
2. Hammer
Deletes Andesite, Deepslate, Diorite, Dirt, Gravel in a 6x6x6 area, so you can easily find ores and modded blocks. Does not work in Nether.
3. Nether Hammer
Deletes Netherrack in a 6x6x6 area, so you can easily find ancient debris.
4. Miner Staff
Mines any block, even bedrock, in 6x6x6 area.
Magic Wands/Staffs
1. Ender Stuff
Just hold/left click, and it will teleport you 7 blocks forward where you are looking.
2. Green Wand
It grows, harvests, and plants crops, only for wheat, beetroot, carrot, and potato.
3. Hellven Staff
It gives the poison effect to the nearest mob within a 5 block range.
4. Cursed Staff
It throws mobs to the sky within a 5 block range.
5. Fly Wand
It gives you levitation and slow falling effect, so you can fly freely.
XP Supplies
1. XP Book
It gives you a little amount of XP when you hold/left click.
2. RED XP Book
It gives you a large amount of XP when you hold/left click, but takes your health.
Compressed Blocks
You can craft compressed blocks to save your storage.
You can compress dirt, stone, cobblestone, gravel, sand, log, apple, sugarcane, bamboo, flint, ender pearl, gun powder, rotten flash & bone, etc.
Multiplayer Staffs
1. Lighter
Removes darkness, fills with light when used.
2. Player Teleporter
Teleports you to a random player... Ohh, you are lonely... ๐
3. Ultimate Bow
When you hold it, it gives the most overpowered bow with Power 10, Mending 10, and more level 10 enchantments.
4. Night Skipper
Skips night, like its name says, is very helpful for modded multiplayer.
5. Zoomer
It's like Java Optifine zoom when you use it.
OP Survival Items
1. House
You can craft a survival house. Just craft a house and place it, and a house appears.
2. Plaster
When you use it, it gives you a small regeneration to heal.
3. Bandages
When you use it, it gives you long regeneration and a golden heart.
4. Shield Ring
Give you Resistance 3 so you get less damage. Even the poison effect can't hurt you.
5. Pet
It gives you speed, so you can easily escape or travel fast.
If you can't understand, check my video:
Showcase Video