Mods with Items for Minecraft PE - Page 47

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Hydra Studio profile avatar
Hydra Studio

Jade Addon

Jade Addon By: Hydra Studio Addon will add some variety and extra to your world, we hope you like it :) Our new project is called "Jade Addon" and includes 3 types of rock and 1 ore with

Thumbnail: Jade Addon
ESTEBAN1303YT profile avatar

Mo' Creatures Add-on (1.0.3)

Mo' Creatures is a Java mod created by DrZhark, this add-on is a recreation of the Java mod, this add-on brings 57 new creatures. Also this add-on adds blocks and a big variety of animals!

Thumbnail: Mo' Creatures Add-on (1.0.3)
7 229
Engine404 profile avatar

Shop UI

This add-on adds a Shop UI. You can buy something using Shop UI, you can set your money, sell items you want, you can even set the selling and buying prices!

Thumbnail: Shop UI
1 321
Qoffie profile avatar


There's nothing exciting when fishing in vanilla Minecraft catching fish that only can be cooked & just eating it, no more, right? With the Azureculture fishing much better than before!

Thumbnail: Azureculture
1 540