Mods with Items for Minecraft PE - Page 7

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Hog profile avatar

Hog's Botany

Hog's Botany is an add-on that adds botany pots to the game. The pots grow trees and collect all the stuff into a chest below.

Thumbnail: Hog's Botany
1 382
NicoTheKid profile avatar

Nico's Item Expansion (v1.10.20)

This add-on will add more food, drinks, weapons, armor, and other miscellaneous items that may be useful for your survival game. Plus, a new table, a new pot, and recipes for uncraftable items.

Thumbnail: Nico's Item Expansion (v1.10.20)
7 782
FourWorldsStudios profile avatar

Backpacks FWS

Get ready to enhance your Minecraft experience with a simple tool that every player needs. Survival Backpacks is that tool. Simply craft a Leather Backpack and collect all the loot you want.

Thumbnail: Backpacks FWS
3 541