Smoothen out your current Minecraft font, and make it look nicer with this pack. This also fixes thin fonts so every text blends together as it should be.

Smoothen out your current Minecraft font, and make it look nicer with this pack. This also fixes thin fonts so every text blends together as it should be.
This addon adds Vertical Slabs, which are not present in vanilla Minecraft, and this is quite helpful for building and quite cool. Supports 1.21.
Have you ever wanted more decorative blocks with depth in Minecraft that also work with texture packs? This is the addon for you! Vanilla Pillars adds 60+ new pillar blocks to the game.
In this modpack, you are stuck on one lava block. Your goal is to beat the Emerald Golem & make all generators. To get all the items, you need to break the Lava One Block.
This addon consists of different entities, decorations, items, and functionalities across ALL THREE chapters, together with Project Playtime!
Reckon soul presents you another add-on, "Reckon New Fun Blocks". There are 50+ blocks with realistic texture. You can use it to design or decorating floors and walls.
A portal to another universe was opened, an apocalyptic world, from which Cordyceps came out. The fungal infection that destroyed that world has now also devastated the entire world.
Natura is a popular nature expansion java mod, designed to work along with Tinkers' Construct, with a range of unique and comical trees to find in your world.
This addon adds new fashion and looks to your minecraft. Using the cotton of the new crop, you can create new clothes and hats to show how good your fashion is
So the idea of this addon is to add new "Unsual" Food to minecraft the items is mostly drop by monster and some unique mob like spider, silver fish, axolotl, allay.