Death Note Add-On
Death Note Add-On adds 3 characters and a magic note from the popular manga and anime series. You will be able to meet Ryuk, L and Light Yagami and also get the power of the Death Note.

Death Note Add-On adds 3 characters and a magic note from the popular manga and anime series. You will be able to meet Ryuk, L and Light Yagami and also get the power of the Death Note.
This addon was built for people who want to show their weapons and tools to friends. These Pedestals should be used as decorative blocks only!
No longer waste hours of time on resource extraction. A new modern way of resource extraction — this addon adds more than 50 generators to the game.
The Battleaxe Addon adds 9 new battleaxes and 10 leviathan axes to your game. Each axe has at least one ability and has a lot of damage.
Enjoy the beauty of having even more things to do with your survival map! This addon will give you a new option. STEEL!
"The end" dimension got an updated look. This addon updates the most boring part of the game before Mojang.