The Cave Dweller Reamagined Addon For Minecraft PE | Horror Mod
This entity lurks underground waiting for it's pray to show up......

This entity lurks underground waiting for it's pray to show up......
Now this is the most terrifying entity you will encounter in survival mode, so when you create another world, well, I suggest getting wood real fast and building a house or something for safety!
The addon adds characters from the cartoon Inside Out 2 to your game! 🔥🔥🔥 You can watch a full review of the addon on my YouTube channel: RomBESM!
"A little thrill, A little lore, A little adventure, A little... More to Explore"
Do you want the most powerful boss monster in Minecraft that you can catch in the wild? For you, we have brought Hyper (More & Bosses) from the Java edition to the Bedrock edition.
An addon with a cursed, scary, and local creep enderman that spawns in the world with a 15% chance and won't let you escape from it! The only thing is either to fight or to go on a shift.
Now for the start, you will have a peaceful day playing Minecraft Survival but you might notice that there is actually an entity spying on you the whole time...
This Addon Allows illagers to rarely spawn wearing armor! The mentioned illagers are Zombie Villager, Witch, Pillager, Vindicator & Evoker!
From The Forest adds a new entity that will lurk, stalk and hunt players when they venture into forest biomes. Be warned, not everything could be as it seems...