Project Pixel Acceleracers | v1.0.5 Hyperpod Update
Welcome to Project Pixel Acceleracers [PPA]. This is my main Minecraft Bedrock project making Hot Wheels Acceleracers universe. Also welcome to Season 3 of PPA update, now all in one download!
New tools will be added to Minecraft 1.18.1 Caves & Cliffs Part II with the help of Mods and Add-ons. Protect your character while descending into deep caves and conquering towering cliffs.
Welcome to Project Pixel Acceleracers [PPA]. This is my main Minecraft Bedrock project making Hot Wheels Acceleracers universe. Also welcome to Season 3 of PPA update, now all in one download!
Enhanced Overworld Height - a addon that allows you to change overworld's height completely from just making every dimension void to increasing world height from -Y: 512 up to Y: 512!
๐ช Lumber axe is an addon that chops a whole tree of connected blocks of logs down with just a single break at any side of the connected block of log.
The addon adds oil and runes that can be added to the sword. Runes include a chance to cause an instant effect when hit by oil and increase damage to walls and mobs.
REBS optimizes the breaking speed of Minecraft Vanilla tools to ensure a balanced and efficient mining experience across various blocks from different addons.
This addon focuses on adding items crafted from copper ore, such as armor and tools. They are simply extensions for the copper ore.
It is an adaptation of a "Java Edition" Mod with the same name: "Super Stick Sword". This add-on adds a "Stick Sword" that does "+100 damage" but is quite
This Addon ads weapons in 3D to your Minecraft world. Currently, it adds 9 Hammers and 3 Shields, but there will be more in the future!