DLCRAFT AddonPack | v1.4.2 Update

Does vanilla Minecraft feel easy? If so, this RPG AddonPack is for you. This AddonPack will make your survival experience very hard with many bosses and a leveling system!
DLCRAFT, the DL standing for Dead Life, or basically, you're going to die... a lot. I selected many addons to fit the RPG playstyle I wanted in Minecraft.
Key Features:
- You Can't Get Wood Directly
- Natural Regeneration Removed
- Randomised Spawn If You Didn't Set Your Respawn Point
- Night Siege
- Ruins, Structures And Dungeons
- New Skill Leveling System (Yet Not Implemented In This Beta)
- Mobs & Bosses, From The Forgotten Legends, Spry Conquest, Haunted Armor
- Tartarean Mobs Variants
- Infected Parasites (Yet Not In This Beta)
- Trickets & Rings That Gives Potion Effects
- New Weapons & Tools
- New Magic Items
- New Enchantments & Potions
- Village Bounty
- Presence Footsteps
- Fishing Culture
Main Features:
- True Start: Life was easier when we used to be get wood directly. Yeah i said used to be, since this addon will change the way you get wood. You will get Unlit Touches because Lit Torches are now Not Craftable, and must be manually lit with a Match Box.
- Arduous: A powerful change healing mechanism. there will be no longer eating food restore your Health, but how to regenerate your Health, don't worry about it. This addon will add items like Salves, Plaster, and Bandages that will regenerate your Health. To Use these items make sure to right click or hold your screen.
- Night Siege: An event that will make Hostile Mobs to spawn More Often than it used to be, this event only occurs in the Night. This event will eventually make Night in Minecraft much more Harder.
- Ruins Addon, Tower Dungeon & Creeping Crypts: Add more Structures to your game, which will bringe much more life to your game. Various types of Tower Dungeon which is protected by Tower Golem. Massive Dungeon spawns around the world with Hostile mobs Spawners.
- Tartarean Mobs: Vanilla hostile mobs will have rare chance of spawn with powerful effects, from a Bomber Skeleton that can summon fireball to Webber Spider that will trap you in web, they have good loot though.
- Haunted Armor: A mini boss with various types of Attacks, which can be found in his structure.
- The Forgotten Legends: New mediaeval Fantasy Creatures and Bosses, as well new weapons and items that can be obtained by Bosses and loot from dungeons and structures.
- Spry Conquest: New mobs that are passive & aggressive that are biome specific. Bosses like Wrought Sentry & Drake.
- Better Weaponry: A LOT new weapons like Katana, Long Sword, Nunchaku, Battle Axe, Rapier, Sabre and many more with various types of Abilities & new Enchantments for new types of weapons.
- Lost Items: Did you see my reinforce pickaxe? nevermind i found it. This addon will add lost items with different abilities which can be found in vanilla structures.
- Knowledge Experience: You can not use diamond armor or tools directly, you will need to upgrade their respective skill with XP to use armors, tools and magic items. (Yet Not Implemented In This Beta)
- Experience Tome: It is too hard to keep XP without dying? These Tomes will store your XP inside it.
- Azure Culture & Advance Fishing: Does fishing in Minecraft feels boring? don't have enough loot in vanilla fishing? This addon adds new tools for fishing to get good loot by fishing.
- Terraria Trinkets & Beacon Rings: Fighting Bosses without any potion effects is pretty hard right? Those Trinkets & Rings will help with giving you good potion effects.
- Village Bounty: Items called as Bounties Can be found in villagers house, These Bounties are based on villagers jobs. These Bounties contains Objectives & Rewards and you can redeem Rewards in Bounty Table.
- Mount Whistle: Did you lost your horse? if you don't want to lost your horse again use this Whistle on your horse, when ever your horse disappear just right click or hold screen your horse will be teleported to you. This does work with every vanilla mounts.
- Charm BE & Inspirations BE: Enhancing Vanilla Minecraft gameplay with bunch of tweaks. Adding decoration blocks for decorating your house.
- Food Expansion BE, Continued: Adding more vanilla types of Foods.
- CCAwCP & CHAN'S: Adding recipe for Chainmail Armor & Horse Armor since these items was uncraftable.
- Lode Eyes: Lode Stone is pretty expensive so to balance recipe for Lode Stone i just added this addon.
- Fanimation & Better Mob Animations: Enhancing Player animations with this resource pack. Enhancing Mob animation with this resource pack.
- Presence Footsteps BE: Enhancing sound of Footsteps on Various Blocks with this resource pack.
- Fanimation by fieryabyss
- Better Mob Animations by Raboy13
- Presence Footsteps by Cup of Coffee
- 3D Dripstone by Needyllama
- Haunted Armor by Willian Sixteen
- The Forgotten Legends by Smaug049
- Spry Conquest by GrimmWasTaken
- Item Physics by Coptaine
- Ruins by HungKaioZ
- Abandoned & Ruin Structures by NicoTheKid
- Nico's More Mineshaft by NicoTheKid
- Creeping Crypts by ElektrikaDev
- Cloud Trapdoors by LordCloud
- Ender Awakening by iKorbon
- Vissom's Backpack by Vissom
- Tartarean Mobs by Cup of Coffee
- Arduous by Cup of Coffee
- Lost Items by Cup of Coffee
- True Start by Cup of Coffee
- Knowledge Experience by Cup of Coffee
- Better Weaponry by Cup of Coffee
- Terraria Trinkets BE by Cup of Coffee
- Dungeon Tower by Cup of Coffee
- Tumble Weed by Cup of Coffee
- Trumpet Skeleton by Cup of Coffee
- Lode Eye by Cup of Coffee
- Village Bounty by Cup of Coffee
- Mounte Whistle by Cup of Coffee
- Experience Tome by Cup of Coffee
- Night Siege by Cup of Coffee
- Food Expansion BE, Continued by Cup of Coffee
- Azure Culture by Cup of Coffee
- Advance Fishing BE by Cup of Coffee
- Charm BE by Cup of Coffee
- Inspirations BE by Cup of Coffee
- Little Foliage by Cup of Coffee
I haven't stolen any assets, I do have permission to use these addons from creators.
Updated on February 13
New Update v1.4.2 Changelog:
- Added Compatibility with v1.21.60.
New Update v1.3.6 Changelog:
- Replaced Simple Backpack Addon with Vissom's Backpack.
- Changed pack icon.
- Added Happy's Magic Mirrors.
- Shears now require Husbandry skill and 1 level.
- Balanced Tartarean Mobs spawn rate.
- Removed cobalt shield from battle tower and ultra Tartarean mob's loot table.
- Cobalt Shield can now only be obtained by Monster Dungeon and Abandoned Mineshaft structures or crafted.
- Added Valentine ring for 14 Emerald Block in Wanderer Trader's trade list.
Bug Fixes:
- Swifter enchantment now works properly (before it wasn't increasing the attack speed when enchanted).
- Sheep now do not drop wool.
- Structures from The Forgotten Legends now generate properly (before it was generating half structures).
- Fixed the Spell table's texture (before it had crying obsidian texture).
- Fixed Eyes textures from Eyes O' World.
- Fixed Arduous healing items recipes.
- Torch recipe fixed (before it had Torch but now it has Unlit Torch).
- Fixed a bug where Elven Druid doesn't render Druid Staff.
- Fixed a bug where in the center of villages it generates Diamond Ore instead of Waystone.
Added Creations:
- 3D Dripstone (Texture Pack),
- Knowledge Experience (Add-on),
- Cloud Trapdoors (Add-on),
- Ender Awakening (Add-on),
- Simple Backpack (Add-on),
- Abandoned & Ruin Structures (Add-on),
- Nico's More Mineshaft (Add-on),
- Item Physics (Add-on)
- Added guides on page,
- Decreased the minimum and maximum room count for Creeping Crypt Dungeon to minimum:8 and maximum:128 (previously minimum:16 and maximum:256),
- Increased delay for generating Mineshaft from Nico's More Mineshaft,
- Nerfed Gold Armor Bonus (Previously Regeneration 4 on full armor, nerfed to Regeneration 1 on full armor),
- Decreased XP Dropped by Mobs and Bosses from The Forgotten Legends,
- Custom enchantments can be found in the Spider Moranch structure.
Improved Haunted Armor AI (It was easier to dodge Jump Attack, but now it won't be, I guess), - Haunted Armor now drops XP,
- Changed the recipe for the Drake Bone Greatsword to 2 Drake Bones and 1 Wither Bone (previously 2 Drake Bones and 1 Iron Nugget),
- Added New Pack Icon,
- Drake Armor and Greatsword Buffed,
- Added Whistle Add-on Compatibility to Drakes from Spry Conquest,
- Optimized Drake AI (Little Bit),
- Readded Wrought Sentry and Spider Moranch from Spry Conquest,
- Woodfell will attack players if they break Grass, Logs and Leaves (previously it was Logs and Leaves),
- Optimized loot table for Abandoned & Ruin Structures,
- Lower chance to get Trinkets from Mobs and Tower Dungeon.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed crashes on world joining,
- Fixed a bug where players walking on planks made sounds of nether wart,
- Fixed a bug where Creeping Crypt dungeon generates half cut,
- Fixed a bug where Wrought Sentry got damage even if he was in an inactive state,
- Fixed all recipes from Spry Conquest and The Forgotten Legends,
- Fixed bug where player was unable to get Worm from Worm Farm.
- Fixed bug causing bosses to not spawn.
- Fixed items from The Forgotten Legends not giving potion effects.
- Nerfed potion effects given by items from TFL.
- Fixed dungeon from Creeping Crypt not spawning properly.