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Bittersweet | Addonpack

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The name does describes it pretty clear by itself...
It makes the game harder & better at the same time!

As bitter as coffee, as sweet as sugar...

Introducing the Bittersweet!

As the name suggests...


This addonpack brings the game into the "Bitter" difficulty, but also spices up the vanilla with "Sweet" features!



Permission proofs from the creators of creations included in this addonpack...


โ—† TNKT for Simple Backpack:

Permission from TNKT

โ—† Hydroquake for Block Recycling:

Permission from Hydroquake

โ—† ZallTheChair for Woodcutter (Wood on Stonecutter):

Permission from ZallTheChair

โ—† Laiffoo for Builder's Fantasy:

Permission from Laiffoo

โ—† Redstonegames for Red's More Structures:

Permission from Redstonegames

โ—† Kanadeyoru for Furnideco: Refurbished:

Permission from Kanadeyoru

โ—† Cornbread for Cornbread's Texture Fixer:

Permission from Cornbread

โ—† Gecko for Gecko's Divine Tooltips:

Permission from Gecko

โ—† Kh4dr7 for Clean Background:

Permission from Kh4dr7

โ—† Dazuny for Reimagined Armor Stand:

Permission from Dazuny

โ—† Kotenkuu for Simple Roguelike Dungeons:

Permission from Kotenkuu


Back to the Addonpack description...

Creations List

This addonpack consists of 42 Creations! [33 Addons + 9 Textures]


โ—† Advanced Fishing BE:

Advanced Fishing BE Cover

Resource-based fish for biomes even for underground caves, nether & the end fish!

โ—† Azureculture:

Azureculture Cover

Real world-inspired fish, upgradeable fishing rod & fishing-exclusive metal!

โ—† Dungeon Tower:

Dungeon Tower Cover

Towers with floors filled with monster spawners & loots to conquer!

โ—† Tartarean Mobs:

Tartarean Mobs Cover

Miniboss-like mobs that are basically just vanilla mobs with abilities!

โ—† Arduous + Hearty Diets:

Arduous Cover

Unnatural health regeneration, healing items, heart crystal & more other hardcorous features!

โ—† Bunch O' Nature:

Bunch O' Nature Cover

World generation improvements to make the world feel more natural!

โ—† Progressive Quests:

Progressive Quests Cover

Quests that guide to progress in the game, modded-exclusive quests also exist!

โ—† Better Weaponry:

Better Weaponry Cover

New weapons, enchantments & potions!

โ—† Night Siege:

Night Siege Cover

An event that rarely occurs at night that increases the spawn rate of hostile mobs & disables the ability to sleep the night!

โ—† Terraria Trinkets BE & Beacon Rings:

Terraria Trinkets BE Cover

Items that grant buffs when activated in the inventory!

โ—† Village Bounty:

Village Bounty Cover

Bounties given by villagers for players to do the tasks!

โ—† Mounts Whistle:

Mounts Whistle Cover

An item used for calling your mounts from distance in case you lost them!

โ—† Charm BE & Inspirations BE:

Charm BE Cover

Inspirations BE Cover

Basicaly, A LOT of QoL tweaks!

โ—† CHAn'S:

CHAn'S Cover

Craftable horse armors & saddle!

โ—† Presence Footsteps BE:

Presence Footsteps BE Cover

New footstep sounds!

โ—† Food Expansion BE, Continued:

Food Expansion BE, Continued Cover

New meats from mobs & other foods!

โ—† Lost Items:

Lost Items Cover

Items with unique abilities that contain lore of where to obtain them!

โ—† CCAwCP:

CCAwCP Cover

Chainmail armor is finally craftable!

โ—† True Start:

True Start Cover

Realistic early game progression!

โ—† Knowledge Experience:

Knowledge Experience Cover

Learn the knowledge to unlock better equipment!

โ—† Trumpet Skeleton BE:

Trumpet Skeleton BE Cover

Reglorified a meme!

โ—† Tumbleweed:

Tumbleweed Cover

Rolling deadbush that drops loots related to desert!

โ—† Experience Tome:

Experience Tome Cover

An item used for storing your experience levels inside it!

โ—† Lode Eye:

Lode Eye Cover

Cheaper but still balanced new recipe for crafting the lodestone!

โ—† Simple Backpack:

Simple Backpack Cover

Obviously, a backpack that's basically your secondary inventory. And the glove is required for picking up & putting down the backpack.

โ—† Block Recycling:

Block Recycling Cover

No need to worry if you accidentally craft the wrong block since now you can just undo (recycle) it!

โ—† Woodcutter (Wood on Stonecutter):

Woodcutter Cover

Even though the block name still says "Stone", now it can also do "Wood".

โ—† Builder's Fantasy:

Builder's Fantasy Cover

Complete designs for every block to complete your buildings even more!

โ—† Grappling Hook:

Grappling Hook Cover

A type of crossbow that's not used for shooting arrows but used for launching hooks that's helpful for traversing the terrain.

โ—† Abandoned & Ruin Structures:

Abandoned & Ruin Structures Cover

Quite self-explanatory, (in short) tons of new structures that look abandoned & ruined!

โ—† Red's More Structures:

Red's More Structures Cover

A little bit more structures is not bad, after all, we need non-abandoned/ruined structures too.

โ—† The Wild Environment:

The Wild Environment Cover

The world feels more natural!

โ—† Furnideco: Refurbished:

Furnideco: Refurbished Cover

Bunch of fancy furniture ranging from chairs to tables & other miscellaneous furniture!

โ—† Gecko's Divine Tooltips:

Gecko's Divine Tooltips Cover

Shiny gold border on the tooltips!

โ—† Remove Those Annoying Tooltips:

Remove Those Annoying Tooltips Cover

Since there are items in this addonpack that have huge tooltips that could cover half of your screen, now they only show up inside the inventory.

โ—† Clean Background:

Clean Background Cover

Clears the darkness of your inventory & menus!

โ—† Better Ender Dragon Remastered:

Better Ender Dragon Remastered Cover

Overhauls the ender dragon appearance!

โ—† Reimagined Armor Stand:

Reimagined Armor Stand Cover

It looks like a dummy!

โ—† Elder-er:

Elder-er Cover

Improved & additional behaviors for vanilla bosses!

โ—† Hostile Intelligence:

Hostile Intelligence Cover

Improved & additional behaviors for hostile mobs!

โ—† Eyes o' World:

Eyes o' World Cover

Eyes scattered around the world to collect & combined to open the end portal!

โ—† Armored Illagers:

Armored Illagers Cover

Illagers can spawn with armor!

โ—† Simple Roguelike Dungeons:

Simple Roguelike Dungeons Cover

Explore the complex underground dungeon!

โ—† Toasty's Vanilla Swamp Overhaul:

Toasty's Vanilla Swamp Overhaul Cover

Overhauls the swamp biome generation!

โ—† Villager-like Mobs Armor:

Villager-like Mobs Armor Cover

Visualizes armors on illagers!

โ—† Enhanced Boss Bars:

Enhanced Boss Bars Cover

Overhauls the boss bars appearance!


Bitter Features

The features that bitter-en down the game difficulty...

โ—† Hardcorous Mechanics & Healing:

Hardcorous Mechanics & Healing: Screenshot

Eating foods will only restore your hunger, so use the healing items to heal your health that doesn't naturally regenerate anymore!

โ—† Realistic Early Game:

Realistic Early Game: Screenshot

Chop the tree? You mean Knap the flint & Cut the grass?

โ—† Challenging Miniboss, Night Siege Event & Dungeon Tower:

Challenging Miniboss, Night Siege Event & Dungeon Tower: Screenshot

Defeat the tartareans, Survive the siege & Conquer the tower!

โ—† RPG-like Bounties, Quests & Structures:

RPG-like Bounties, Quests & Structures: Screenshot

Help the villagers, Complete the quests & Explore the structures!


Sweet Features

The features that sweet-en up the vanilla...

โ—† Lots of QoL Tweaks:

Lots of QoL Tweaks: Screenshot

Obviously there are too many of them to mention here...

โ—† Vanilla Enhancements:

Vanilla Enhancements: Screenshot

3D held items, Cut the wood on stonecutter, Dummy armor stand & More!

โ—† Nifty Miscellaneous:

Nifty Miscellaneous: Screenshot

Don't forget to craft these small, but useful additions...

โ—† Overhauled Fishing, Building & World Generation:

Overhauled Fishing, Building & World Generation: Screenshot

Waters filled with fishes, Block design sets & Natural environments!

โ—† Variative Weapons, Enchantments & Potions:

Variative Weapons, Enchantments & Potions: Screenshot

Craft your weapon based on your combat style, Enchant your equipments & Brew some potions!

โ—† Magical Accessories:

Magical Accessories: Screenshot

Adventure now rewards items that grants buffs!

โ—† Fancy Furnitures:

Fancy Furnitures: Screenshot

From old fake stairs to actual sittable chair!

โ—† More Meats & Foods:

More Meats & Foods: Screenshot

Completionist butcher, I mean chef...

โ—† One Meme Reglorified:

One Meme Reglorified: Screenshot

Doot! Doot!



Just ignore these if you want to get lost...


Early-Game Guides:

โ—† You can punch trees, but you can't craft planks as you used to.

โ—† Go find Gravel, break it until you get Flint. If you want to skip the hassle, you can craft 3 Gravels into 1 Flint.

โ—† Put the Flint on the crafting menu to turn it into Knappable Flint.

โ—† Go find stone/metal block, then knap (tap on the block) the knappable flint on the block to turn it into Flint Shards.

โ—† Go get Stick, either from breaking leaves or dead bush or picking the ground stick.

โ—† Craft the Flint Knife with the flint shard & stick, then cut grass with it to get Plant Fibers, and craft the Plant String with them.

โ—† Craft the Flint Axe with the flint shard, stick & plant string. This tool can be used as a normal axe, but in this game stage it's your first axe to operate the chopping block.

โ—† Craft the Chopping Block with a log (that I won't ask what you used to chop the tree).

โ—† Punch/Chop some trees, Strip the logs, then put down the stripped log on the chopping block, and Interact with the chopping block with an axe to chop the stripped logs into planks. Get it? :)

โ—† Craft the crafting table, and now you can progress your game as you used to do in vanilla.

โ—† You can just skip all the guides above by finding structures that reward the things needed for starting your game.

Common Guides:

โ—† If you don't have a fishing rod, Kill some fish to fill the Worm Farm to get Worm for crafting a fishing rod on the Tackle Box.

โ—† Tower Golem has some homework to do before spawning, so that's why sometimes he spawns late.

โ—† Flowers are necessary to obtain since they are used for crafting the Healing Salve (the base of healing items). Flower Forest & Meadow biomes are helpful for this.

โ—† Legend's quote...

Imagine Night Siege On First Night

โ—† Shears are required to obtain wool from sheep since sheep don't drop wools when killed anymore.

โ—† Open your inventory to see the item information.


โ—† If you want to stop using the chopping block, craft the Saw.
This item is used for crafting logs into planks & planks into sticks from inside your inventory menu.

โ—† Plant String can be smelted into (vanilla) String.

โ—† When picking the ground rocks/sticks, use the most-left empty slot or hold any items other than rocks/sticks, or you won't be able to pick them.
Currently, this is an unfixable bug but we are still trying to fix it.

โ—† 4 Ground Rocks can be crafted into 1 Stone.

โ—† Mojang has removed the underwater door breathing trick, but I have reincarnated the trick using the Fish Trophy & Lit Torch >:)

โ—† In similar situations, Ender Warp Potion is similar to Terraria's Surface Potion.
For example, you can drink the ender warp potion when being below the end island and you will be teleported on the island's surface.

โ—† Bamboo is overpowered as a wooden resource since you can craft planks & sticks without the Chopping Block or Saw.
This is a forced-existed feature ;-;

โ—† Stonecutter is even more overpowered as it can be used to craft many wooden products without the Chopping Block or Saw.

โ—† Ancient Pearl will teleport anyone holding the item when it lands, so you can teleport to the same location with your friends at the same time.

โ—† Enchant any weapons with Sharpness to bypass their knowledge requirements.

โ—† Enchant any equipment with any Better Weaponry/Charm BE enchantments to bypass their knowledge requirements.

โ—† Lost Items are not affected by the knowledge, this means you can use them without learning any knowledge.

โ—† Attaching Saddle/Horse Armor/Chest/Carpet on any mountable mob requires Ko.Husbandry II, but you can open their inventory while riding them to attach those items (Except Chest) without learning the mentioned knowledge.



It's yet under construction... myb :)


In the meatime, please check out EVERY page of the creations included in this addonpack for... knowledge!


Special Thanks

This addonpack would never be finished without these guys!


โ—† Cup of Coffee [Me]:

Cup of Coffee Avatar

As the creator of Advanced Fishing BE, Azureculture, Dungeon Tower, Tartarean Mobs, Arduous, Little Foliage, Progressive Quests, Better Weaponry, Night Siege, Terraria Trinkets BE, Village Bounty, Mounts Whistle, Charm BE, CHAn'S, Presence Footsteps BE, Food Expansion BE (Continued), Lost Items, Inspirations BE, CCAwCP, True Start, Fri-End, Trumpet Skeleton BE, Tumbleweed BE, Experience Tome, Lode Eye, Elder-er, Hostile Intelligence & Armored Illagers.

โ—† Vatonage:

Vatonage Avatar

As the creator of Vatonage Library.

โ—† Fused Bolt:

Fused Bolt Avatar

As the creator of Trees Plus (only used for the pictures, not the actual addonpack content).

โ—† TNKT:

TNKT Avatar

As the creator of Simple Backpack.

โ—† Hydroquake:

Hydroquake Avatar

As the creator of Block Recycling.

โ—† ZallTheChair:

ZallTheChair Avatar

As the creator of Woodcutter (Wood on Stonecutter).

โ—† Laiffoo:

Laiffoo Avatar

As the creator of Builder's Fantasy.

โ—† The Big Onion Institute:

The Big Onion Institute Avatar

As the creator of Grappling Hook.

โ—† NicoTheKid:

NicoTheKid Avatar

As the creator of Abandoned - Ruin Structures & The Wild Environment.

โ—† RedstoneGames:

RedstoneGames Avatar

As the creator of Red's More Structures.

โ—† Kanadeyoru:

Kanadeyoru Avatar

As the creator of Furnideco: Refurbished.

โ—† Fieryabyss:

Fieryabyss Avatar

As the creator of Enhanced Items.

โ—† Cornbread:

Cornbread Avatar

As the creator of Cornbread's Texture Fixer.

โ—† Coptaine:

Coptaine Avatar

As the creator of Item Physics.

โ—† Gecko:

Gecko Avatar

As the creator of Gecko's Divine Tooltips.

โ—† Alotesnivek:

Alotesnivek Avatar

As the creator of Remove Those Annoying Tooltips.

โ—† Kh4dr7:

Kh4dr7 Avatar

As the creator of Clean Background.

โ—† KatyushaNugget:

KatyushaNugget Avatar

As the creator of Better Ender Dragon Remastered.

โ—† Dazuny:

Dazuny Avatar

As the creator of Reimagined Armor Stand.

โ—† ZyprehX:

ZyprehX Avatar

As the creator of Simple Health Bar.

โ—† Kotenkuu:

Kotenkuu Avatar

As the creator of Simple Roguelike Dungeons.

โ—† Dummy24:

Dummy24 Avatar

As the creator of Villager-like Mobs Armor.

โ—† ToastyRenegade:

ToastyRenegade Avatar

As the creator of Toasty's Vanilla Swamp Overhaul.

โ—† DarkBasementStudio:

DarkBasementStudio Avatar

As the creator of Enhanced Boss Bars.



Creations that doesn't included in this addonpack, but does completes the experience of playing this addonpack...


โ—† Sleeping Bag:

Sleeping Bag Cover

Bed but doesn't change your respawn point, so you can sleep while on adventure with no worry of respawning in the middle of nowhere in case you die.

โ—† Disenchanter Table:

Disenchanter Table Cover

The antonym of enchanting table, this block disenchants the items.

โ—† Vanillanimals:

Vanillanimals Cover

New animals scattered around the world to discover.

โ—† Spry Conquest:

Spry Conquest Cover

Medieval & Fantasy-themed mobs. Psst... better wait for the upcoming update, tho!

โ—† Happy's Magic Mirrors:

Happy's Magic Mirrors Cover

An item used for teleporting to your respawn point.

โ—† Sword Rarity & Armor Rarity:

Sword Rarity Cover

Armor Rarity Cover

Rarities are the qualities of your weapons & armor that increase its stats.

โ—† Tough As Bedrock & Vooring Fabric:

Tough As Bedrock Cover

Vooring Fabric Cover

Temperature & Thirst as your new mechanics into the game.

โ—† Simple Waystone:

Simple Waystone Cover

Block used for teleporting to the other waystone.



For the recommended creations so they will be both compatible & integrated with the addonpack!


โ—† No Tackle Box:

Every tackle box-exclusive recipes can be found in crafting table

โ—† Neptunium Trim:

Replaces one of vanilla's trims with neptunium

โ—† Blight Tartareans:

Tartareans with increased movement speed

โ—† LOL:

Dying is fun

โ—† PFSn'S:

Player friendly sweep & slam attack

โ—† CCoE:

Craftable Cube o' Enchanting

โ—† No Tinkerer's Workshop:

Every tinkerer's workshop-exclusive recipes can be found in crafting table

โ—† Tough As Bittersweet:

Bittersweet extension for Tough As Bedrock, including TaB & VF-exclusive quests


Discord Server Avatar

> My Discord <

For Developments/Progressions, Supports, Suggestions, Bug Reports & Chillin'!


The Meme of the 2.0 Update:

The Meme of the 2.0 Update

Required Experimental Features:

Required Experiments for Bittersweet Addonpack

โ—† Works on 1.20.80 & Above!

Cup of Coffee Avatar

Enjoy & Have a Taste!

-of a 3 years worth of project...

Download links
[Mediafire] Default
[Mediafire] With Quests
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80
1 973
  1. No avatar image Guest Kyle Guest
  2. No avatar image guest Guest
    Ofc almost nobody can use this addon because of the new update but if you were to downgrade your version like I did it's a really cool addon
  3. Does it work in 1.21.20 without HCF?
    1. No avatar image viking Guest
      what is HCF ?
  4. No avatar image kidi Guest
    Are all of this add-ons combined? Or I have to put it one by one
  5. No avatar image galacticamc Guest
    No offense but, ain't no one downloading this unless you update it to 1.21.20
    1. No avatar image R
      Yep, we're really waiting for it..